rhroberts / full-medical-alchemist

Our game for Ludum Dare 49 https://ldjam.com/ and beyond.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Come up with a game idea #1

Closed rhroberts closed 2 years ago

rhroberts commented 2 years ago

Theme: Unstable

Word Association

Physically unstable

Unbalanced, wobbly, unsteady, rickety, precarious, teetering...

Mentally unstable

Deranged, unhinged, insane, crazed, disturbed, neurotic... Unstable relationships

Chemically unstable Alchemy

dmarc3 commented 2 years ago

Hiking / Climbing / Mountaineering Game :mount_fuji: 🥾 🧗‍♂️

Concept is hiking up a mountain to the very peak. Have potential to incorporate unstable in several ways:

Sidescroller with changing terrain as altitude changes. Forest-y area -> plains / clearings -> rocky scree areas -> transition to snow -> cross above clouds -> ice and glaciers -> peak Could go into separate view for any climbing portions? Add dialogue between hiking partners -> riddles?

Cody: building unstable platforms to climb

dmarc3 commented 2 years ago

"Upside Down" Platformer :mechanical_arm: 🔫 👽 🤖

Concept is a regular platformer where an event would occur (randomly or prescribed) where gravity would change and the background would rotate such that the ceiling is now the ground and vice versa. "Physics of the world are unstable".

dmarc3 commented 2 years ago

Fantasy Alchemist RogueLIFE :mage: :drop_of_blood: :bed: :stethoscope:

Concept is a roguelite where you are an alchemist in a fantasy world attending to a handful of patients. Each play through you will attempt to heal a set number of patients. Each patient will have a specific ailment which the player must determine based off of conversation with each patient. The player will have an alchemy lab with a set of ingredients to make potions. Each ingredient will have some flavor text so that the player may deduce the result of mixing certain ingredients. Administering the player created potion may have.... unstable results! :frog: 💥 The goal would be to save all patients in a single play through which would more than likely require playing a bunch of times to learn what side effects are tied to what illnesses and what ingredients treat what symptoms.

Cody: talking to patients strikes me as extremely difficult to engineer Cody: this sort of implies procedural generation Cody: this doesn't seem roguelite -- are we moving around rooms and stuff? I could see this like one room, random set of patients, random tools, try to heal Cody: if the only mechanic is combing stuff, we gotta do work to make that system interesting

halfhorst commented 2 years ago

Unstable Relationships

Herding animals into a pen. Sheep? you have a herding dog or two, but they don't listen so good. Maybe you can do things to influence their behavior, but you can't control them directly. Get all the sheep into the pen

rhroberts commented 2 years ago

and the winner is.... Full Medical Alchemist!