riboseinc / rails-keyserver

A generic Rails engine for serving most kinds of keys
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

= Rails::Keyserver

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A generic Rails engine for serving most kinds of keys.

== Installation

Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:


gem 'rails-keyserver'

And then execute:


$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:


$ gem install rails-keyserver

== Routes

The following is a sample of what we would like to achieve in terms of API endpoints:




[ { public: '===== BEGIN PGP BLOCK ==========.....', key_id: 0x346cb447 key_type: rsa expires: '2055/12/12 11:23:45Z+08:00' key_size: 4096/4096 fingerprint: 72e5 f8ae da12 7b85 fadb 25a5 83a3 ef8c 346c b447 userid: apple product security activation_date: '2055/12/12 11:23:45Z+08:00', } ]

GET JSON /security/pgp_keys

[ { public: '===== BEGIN PGP BLOCK ==========.....', key_id: 0x346cb446 key_type: rsa expires: '2055/12/12 11:23:45Z+08:00' key_size: 4096/4096 fingerprint: 72e5 f8ae da12 7b85 fadb 25a5 83a3 ef8c 346c b447 userid: apple product security activation_date: '2055/12/12 11:23:45Z+08:00', } ]

rails users: public PGP

DELETE JSON /settings/pgp_key

POST PUT GET JSON /settings/pgp_key

200: { id: 'slfsjdfdklsj', public: '===== BEGIN PGP BLOCK ==========.....', key_id: 0x346cb446 key_type: rsa expires: '2055/12/12 11:23:45Z+08:00' key_size: 4096/4096 fingerprint: 72e5 f8ae da12 7b85 fadb 25a5 83a3 ef8c 346c b447 userid: apple product security created_at: '2055/12/12 11:23:45Z+08:00', }

422: { errors: { format: 'invalid' } }

403: { errors: { permission: 'denied' } }

== Usage

=== Override controllers and rendering methods

==== Keys Controller

==== Default settings for mounted routes


E.g. in config/routes.rb

mount_keyserver at: 'ks', controllers: { keys: 'rails/keyserver/api/v1/keys', }

== Contributing

First, thank you for contributing! We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you hereby grant https://www.ribose.com[Ribose Inc.] the right to grant or transfer an unlimited number of non exclusive licenses or sub-licenses to third parties, under the copyright covering the contribution to use the contribution by all means.

Here are a few technical guidelines to follow:

  1. Open an https://github.com/riboseinc/rails-keyserver/issues[issue] to discuss a new feature.
  2. Write tests to support your new feature.
  3. Make sure the entire test suite passes locally and on CI.
  4. Open a Pull Request.
  5. After receiving feedback, perform https://help.github.com/articles/about-git-rebase/[an interactive rebase] on your branch, in order to create a series of cohesive commits with descriptive messages.
  6. Party!

== Credits

This gem is developed, maintained and funded by https://www.ribose.com[Ribose Inc.]

== License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT[MIT License].