ricardobalk / ricardobalk.nl

My personal website, made with Nuxt 3 (Vue 3), TypeScript & TailwindCSS
ISC License
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Add deploy script #56

Closed ricardobalk closed 4 years ago

ricardobalk commented 4 years ago

Saw in @dannyvankooten's script @ https://github.com/dannyvankooten/dannyvankooten.com/blob/10f361d1f8fb0eb02fc02a213dc971d9fd9a386e/deploy.sh that it is possible to use rsync to easily deploy the website. Great idea, I'm going to add it to the npm scripts: npm run deploy and npm run build:deploy.

ricardobalk commented 4 years ago

No need for a script. People can build my site within a Docker container and use rsync to push it to the server. Works great. I updated README.md with the instructions.