ricardorodrigues-ca / zoom-recording-downloader

Downloads and organizes all cloud recordings from your Zoom Business account
MIT License
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Errors when downloading - "Connection broken: ConnectionResetError" and "[SSL] record layer failure" #49

Open schlach opened 6 months ago

schlach commented 6 months ago

Amazing utility! Thank you for this - made it easy to download most of my 61 videos this morning. For reasons unclear, I experienced download errors on 14 of the 61 meetings (always during the large mp4 video file). Despite the errors, the completed-downloads.log file would log it as having downloaded, so just rerunning the utility on the command line would fail to re-download the missing/corrupt video file. (I didn't have a lot of time for debugging, but it looks like the "success |= download_recording(...)" on line 371 might be the source of the problem, since if one of the three files (txt, audio, video) downloads correctly, success might get set to "true", even if the video file fails and returns false.)

And because the log file uses what appears to be a Base64 encoded hash(?) and the on-screen logging does not report the hash with the filename it's downloading (as far as I can tell), and for some reason after downloading 61 meetings I only had 56 lines in the log file, it's not clear which line from the completed-downloads.log file I needed to delete in order to force re-downloading. (I ended up grabbing the missing meeting video files by hand from the Zoom website.)

Here are the two different error messages I got on-screen. It seemed to be fairly random which meetings would trigger an error. There were 11 of the SSL failure and 3 of the ConnectionReset type in total.

==> Downloading (12 of 61) as shared_screen_with_speaker_view: 26da7850-479f-4a3e-8a98-aa9f15d52e3f: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/download/NPnJ1CFoeM7A-07qST_qHvqCSC-... 21%|████████████████▌ | 472M/2.20G [00:19<01:02, 27.5MiB/s]### The video recording with filename '2020.05.22-10.56-0500-WAMO-LT Governance meeting-Shared Screen With Speaker View-26da7850-479f-4a3e-8a98-aa9f15d52e3f.mp4' for user with email 'XXXX' could not be downloaded because '[SSL] record layer failure (_ssl.c:2633)'


==> Downloading (17 of 61) as shared_screen_with_speaker_view: 309f4ed0-5b1e-4349-bfcb-113a1e697dc1: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/download/_c7_e1lJOKdU2IQ5Qg188Vuudn2... 53%|████████████████████████████████████████▌ | 602M/1.14G [00:23<00:17, 30.9MiB/s]### The video recording with filename '2020.06.29-13.56-0500-WAMOC Organizing Support Team Launch-Shared Screen With Speaker View-309f4ed0-5b1e-4349-bfcb-113a1e697dc1.mp4' for user with email 'XXXX' could not be downloaded because '("Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None)", ConnectionResetError(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host', None, 10054, None))'

Thanks again for the great utility! Hope this report helps.