richardlehane / siegfried

signature-based file format identification
Apache License 2.0
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Siegfried doesn't show its version information without a valid default.sig #228

Closed ross-spencer closed 6 months ago

ross-spencer commented 1 year ago

Siegfried doesn't reveal anything about its version when using sf -version with nothing else installed. Users need to run sf -update (or build a sig) first.

C:\Users\Spencer\code\git\siegfried\cmd\roy>sf -version
2023/04/11 14:26:19 [FATAL] error loading signature file, got: siegfried: error opening signature file, got open C:\Users\Spencer\siegfried\default.sig: The system cannot find the file specified.; try running `sf -update`

For UX purposes, providing the Siegfried version number, e.g. 1.10.0 before the log.fatal may be nice.

NB. the use case for me was trying to work with two versions on my dev machine and trying to see which one was installed on the path.

NB. Siegfried does provide some clues when you're a version or two behind.

C:\Users\Spencer\code\git\siegfried\cmd\sf>sf -update
Your version of siegfried is out of date; please install latest from before continuing.