richie5um / TextBar-Recipes

TextBar Recipes
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Calendar item fails with syntax error #74

Open brandondrew opened 3 years ago

brandondrew commented 3 years ago

This image says it all:


but here it is as text:

Error:   File "/Users/brandon/Library/Application Support/com.RichSomerfield.TextBar/scripts/bedaf36a-f221-4100-9441-d08e41d97830/", line 228
    print barHtml.replace('\n', '')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
brandondrew commented 3 years ago

Initially it looked like adding parentheses to the print call might fix the problem. Adding those took it from displaying the error message above to displaying nothing at all.

brandondrew commented 3 years ago

Okay, it turns out the parentheses did fix the problem, but the menu moved position in the menubar once it was fixed, and no longer was visible, so I thought it wasn't there. Instead it was hidden by the menu of the current app, and didn't show up until I turned off other TextBar items.