rickstaa / LAC-TF2-TORCH-translation

Temporary repository to debug what goes wrong during the translation of the LAC algorithm from TF1 to Torch.
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:warning: This repository is no longer maintained. Please use bayesian-learning-control instead!

LAC TF2 TORCH translation

I used this repository to translate the LAC code of Minghoa into tf2 and Pytorch code. It currently contains the following translations:

All these solutions will give the same results but will differ in training time. The LAC_TF2 version is currently the fastest solution.

Usage instructions

Below you will find the general instructions on how to use this package. Additionally, every translation also contains its own README.md.

Setup the python environment

Conda environment

From the general python package sanity perspective, it is a good idea to use Conda environments to make sure packages from different projects do not interfere with each other.

To create a Conda env with python3, one runs:

conda create -n <ENV_NAME> python=<PYTHON_VERSION>

To activate the env:

conda activate <ENV_NAME>

Install dependencies

After you created and activated the Conda environment, you have to install the python dependencies. This can be done using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Train instructions

Change training parameters

You can change the training parameters in the variant.py file. The essential variables are explained below:

Start the training

After you set the right hyperparameter in the variant.py file, you can train an algorithm in a specific folder using the following command:

python <LAC_VERSION_NAME>/train.py

Inference instructions

Change training parameters

You can change the inference parameters in the variant.py file. The essential variables are explained below:

Start the inference

After you trained an agent, you can evaluate the performance of the algorithm by running the following command:

python <LAC_VERSION_NAME>/inference_eval.py --model-name=<MODEL_NAME> --env-name=Ex3_EKF_gyro

Alternatively, you can set the eval_list and ENV_NAME parameters in the variant.py file and run the inference with the shorter command:

python <LAC_VERSION_NAME>/inference_eval.py

Add new environments

New environments should be added to the ENVS_PARAMS variable of the variant.py file. While doing so please make sure you supply a valid module and class name:

"oscillator": {
    "module_name": "envs.oscillator",
    "class_name": "oscillator",
    "max_ep_steps": 800,
    "max_global_steps": TRAIN_PARAMS["episodes"],
    "max_episodes": int(1e6),
    "eval_render": False,

After that, the new environment can be used by setting the ENV_NAME variable of the of the variant.py file.