This pull rewrites many code lines using the PEP8 formatting recommendations. The difference is PEP8 recommends 79 characters by line, but this is outdated, as many programmers nowadays recommend 120. Only a few lines have a little more characters since it was difficult to divide.
Fixes #16
One commit was made to correct an error that was generated when only one occultation was identified in prediction().
One commit corrects the calculation of the error in Occultation.new_astrometric_position() using quadratic values.
Now Occultation.new_astrometric_position() generates a warning when the time given is far from the occultation closest approach.
Warnings throughout the code were modified to be shown every time they are raised. The default only shows the warning the first time.
Fixes #7
Fixes #16
Warnings throughout the code were modified to be shown every time they are raised. The default only shows the warning the first time.