risingwavelabs / risingwave

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perf: improve tpc-h q17 performance (single-topic) #14799

Open lmatz opened 10 months ago

lmatz commented 10 months ago

See performance numbers at https://www.notion.so/risingwave-labs/TPCH-Performance-Numbers-Table-e098ef82884546949333409f0513ada7?pvs=4#8de0bf4bda51444c8381f3b0c10ddfe1

lmatz commented 10 months ago


create sink tpch_q17 as
        sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
        p_partkey = l_partkey
        -- and p_brand = 'Brand#13'
        -- and p_container = 'JUMBO PKG'
        and l_quantity < (
                220.2 * avg(l_quantity)
                l_partkey = p_partkey
    with ( connector = 'blackhole', type = 'append-only', force_append_only = 'true');


 StreamSink { type: append-only, columns: [avg_yearly] }
 └─StreamProject { exprs: [(sum(sum($expr3)) / 7.0:Decimal) as $expr6] }
   └─StreamSimpleAgg { aggs: [sum(sum($expr3)), count] }
     └─StreamExchange { dist: Single }
       └─StreamStatelessSimpleAgg { aggs: [sum($expr3)] }
         └─StreamProject { exprs: [$expr3, _row_id, _row_id, $expr1, $expr4, $expr4] }
           └─StreamFilter { predicate: ($expr2 < $expr5) }
             └─StreamHashJoin { type: Inner, predicate: $expr4 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $expr4 }
               ├─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr4) }
               │ └─StreamShare { id: 13 }
               │   └─StreamHashJoin [append_only] { type: Inner, predicate: $expr1 = $expr4 }
               │     ├─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr1) }
               │     │ └─StreamShare { id: 7 }
               │     │   └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(lineitem, 1:Int32) as $expr1, Field(lineitem, 4:Int32) as $expr2, Field(lineitem, 5:Int32) as $expr3, _row_id] }
               │     │     └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar) }
               │     │       └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
               │     │         └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
               │     │           └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
               │     │             └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
               │     │               └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
               │     └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr4) }
               │       └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(part, 0:Int32) as $expr4, _row_id] }
               │         └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'part':Varchar) }
               │           └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
               │             └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
               │               └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
               │                 └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
               │                   └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
               └─StreamProject { exprs: [$expr4, (220.2:Decimal * (sum($expr2) / count($expr2)::Decimal)) as $expr5] }
                 └─StreamHashAgg { group_key: [$expr4], aggs: [sum($expr2), count($expr2), count] }
                   └─StreamHashJoin { type: LeftOuter, predicate: $expr4 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $expr1 }
                     ├─StreamAppendOnlyDedup { dedup_cols: [$expr4] }
                     │ └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr4) }
                     │   └─StreamProject { exprs: [$expr4] }
                     │     └─StreamShare { id: 13 }
                     │       └─StreamHashJoin [append_only] { type: Inner, predicate: $expr1 = $expr4 }
                     │         ├─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr1) }
                     │         │ └─StreamShare { id: 7 }
                     │         │   └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(lineitem, 1:Int32) as $expr1, Field(lineitem, 4:Int32) as $expr2, Field(lineitem, 5:Int32) as $expr3, _row_id] }
                     │         │     └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar) }
                     │         │       └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
                     │         │         └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
                     │         │           └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
                     │         │             └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
                     │         │               └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
                     │         └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr4) }
                     │           └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(part, 0:Int32) as $expr4, _row_id] }
                     │             └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'part':Varchar) }
                     │               └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
                     │                 └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
                     │                   └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
                     │                     └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
                     │                       └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
                     └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr1) }
                       └─StreamProject { exprs: [$expr1, $expr2, _row_id] }
                         └─StreamFilter { predicate: IsNotNull($expr1) }
                           └─StreamShare { id: 7 }
                             └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(lineitem, 1:Int32) as $expr1, Field(lineitem, 4:Int32) as $expr2, Field(lineitem, 5:Int32) as $expr3, _row_id] }
                               └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar) }
                                 └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
                                   └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
                                     └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
                                       └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
                                         └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
(64 rows)

Dist Plan:

 Fragment 0
 StreamSink { type: append-only, columns: [avg_yearly] } { tables: [ Sink: 0 ] }
 └── StreamProject { exprs: [(sum(sum($expr3)) / 7.0:Decimal) as $expr6] }
     └── StreamSimpleAgg { aggs: [sum(sum($expr3)), count] }
         ├── tables: [ SimpleAggState: 1 ]
         └── StreamExchange Single from 1

 Fragment 1
 StreamStatelessSimpleAgg { aggs: [sum($expr3)] }
 └── StreamProject { exprs: [$expr3, _row_id, _row_id, $expr1, $expr4, $expr4] }
     └── StreamFilter { predicate: ($expr2 < $expr5) }
         └── StreamHashJoin { type: Inner, predicate: $expr4 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $expr4 }
             ├── tables: [ HashJoinLeft: 2, HashJoinDegreeLeft: 3, HashJoinRight: 4, HashJoinDegreeRight: 5 ]
             ├── StreamExchange Hash([2]) from 2
             └── StreamProject { exprs: [$expr4, (220.2:Decimal * (sum($expr2) / count($expr2)::Decimal)) as $expr5] }
                 └── StreamHashAgg { group_key: [$expr4], aggs: [sum($expr2), count($expr2), count] }
                     ├── tables: [ HashAggState: 11 ]
                     └── StreamHashJoin { type: LeftOuter, predicate: $expr4 IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $expr1 }
                         ├── tables:
                         │   ┌── HashJoinLeft: 12
                         │   ├── HashJoinDegreeLeft: 13
                         │   ├── HashJoinRight: 14
                         │   └── HashJoinDegreeRight: 15
                         ├── StreamAppendOnlyDedup { dedup_cols: [$expr4] } { tables: [ AppendOnlyDedup: 16 ] }
                         │   └── StreamExchange Hash([0]) from 8
                         └── StreamExchange Hash([0]) from 9

 Fragment 2
 └── StreamExchange NoShuffle from 3

 Fragment 3
 StreamHashJoin [append_only] { type: Inner, predicate: $expr1 = $expr4 }
 ├── tables: [ HashJoinLeft: 6, HashJoinDegreeLeft: 7, HashJoinRight: 8, HashJoinDegreeRight: 9 ]
 ├── StreamExchange Hash([0]) from 4
 └── StreamExchange Hash([0]) from 7

 Fragment 4
 └── StreamExchange NoShuffle from 5

 Fragment 5
 StreamProject { exprs: [Field(lineitem, 1:Int32) as $expr1, Field(lineitem, 4:Int32) as $expr2, Field(lineitem, 5:Int32) as $expr3, _row_id] }
 └── StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar) }
     └── StreamExchange NoShuffle from 6

 Fragment 6
 StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
 └── StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
     └── StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
         └── StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
             └── tables: [ Source: 10 ]

 Fragment 7
 StreamProject { exprs: [Field(part, 0:Int32) as $expr4, _row_id] }
 └── StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'part':Varchar) }
     └── StreamExchange NoShuffle from 6

 Fragment 8
 StreamProject { exprs: [$expr4] }
 └── StreamExchange NoShuffle from 3

 Fragment 9
 StreamProject { exprs: [$expr1, $expr2, _row_id] }
 └── StreamFilter { predicate: IsNotNull($expr1) }
     └── StreamExchange NoShuffle from 5

 Table 0
 ├── columns: [ kv_log_store_epoch, kv_log_store_seq_id, kv_log_store_row_op, avg_yearly ]
 ├── primary key: [ $0 ASC, $1 ASC ]
 ├── value indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
 ├── distribution key: []
 └── read pk prefix len hint: 2

 Table 1 { columns: [ sum(sum($expr3)), count ], primary key: [], value indices: [ 0, 1 ], distribution key: [], read pk prefix len hint: 0 }

 Table 2
 ├── columns: [ $expr2, $expr3, $expr4, _row_id, $expr1, _row_id_0 ]
 ├── primary key: [ $2 ASC, $3 ASC, $5 ASC, $4 ASC ]
 ├── value indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
 ├── distribution key: [ 2 ]
 └── read pk prefix len hint: 1

 Table 3
 ├── columns: [ $expr4, _row_id, _row_id_0, $expr1, _degree ]
 ├── primary key: [ $0 ASC, $1 ASC, $2 ASC, $3 ASC ]
 ├── value indices: [ 4 ]
 ├── distribution key: [ 0 ]
 └── read pk prefix len hint: 1

 Table 4 { columns: [ $expr4, $expr5 ], primary key: [ $0 ASC ], value indices: [ 0, 1 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 5 { columns: [ $expr4, _degree ], primary key: [ $0 ASC ], value indices: [ 1 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 6
 ├── columns: [ $expr1, $expr2, $expr3, _row_id ]
 ├── primary key: [ $0 ASC, $3 ASC ]
 ├── value indices: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
 ├── distribution key: [ 0 ]
 └── read pk prefix len hint: 1

 Table 7 { columns: [ $expr1, _row_id, _degree ], primary key: [ $0 ASC, $1 ASC ], value indices: [ 2 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 8 { columns: [ $expr4, _row_id ], primary key: [ $0 ASC, $1 ASC ], value indices: [ 0, 1 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 9 { columns: [ $expr4, _row_id, _degree ], primary key: [ $0 ASC, $1 ASC ], value indices: [ 2 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 10 { columns: [ partition_id, offset_info ], primary key: [ $0 ASC ], value indices: [ 0, 1 ], distribution key: [], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 11
 ├── columns: [ $expr4, sum($expr2), count($expr2), count ]
 ├── primary key: [ $0 ASC ]
 ├── value indices: [ 1, 2, 3 ]
 ├── distribution key: [ 0 ]
 └── read pk prefix len hint: 1

 Table 12 { columns: [ $expr4 ], primary key: [ $0 ASC ], value indices: [ 0 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 13 { columns: [ $expr4, _degree ], primary key: [ $0 ASC ], value indices: [ 1 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 14 { columns: [ $expr1, $expr2, _row_id ], primary key: [ $0 ASC, $2 ASC ], value indices: [ 0, 1, 2 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 15 { columns: [ $expr1, _row_id, _degree ], primary key: [ $0 ASC, $1 ASC ], value indices: [ 2 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

 Table 16 { columns: [ $expr4 ], primary key: [ $0 ASC ], value indices: [ 0 ], distribution key: [ 0 ], read pk prefix len hint: 1 }

(126 rows)
lmatz commented 10 months ago


INSERT INTO tpch_q17
      sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly
      p_partkey = l_partkey
      -- and p_brand = 'Brand#13'
      -- and p_container = 'JUMBO PKG'
      and l_quantity < (
          20.2 * avg(l_quantity)
          l_partkey = p_partkey


== Optimized Physical Plan ==
Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.tpch_q17], fields=[avg_yearly])
+- Calc(select=[CAST(/($f0, 7.0:DECIMAL(2, 1)) AS DECIMAL(10, 0)) AS avg_yearly])
   +- GroupAggregate(select=[SUM_RETRACT(l_extendedprice) AS $f0])
      +- Exchange(distribution=[single])
         +- Calc(select=[l_extendedprice])
            +- Join(joinType=[InnerJoin], where=[AND(=(p_partkey, l_partkey), <(l_quantity, *(20.2:DECIMAL(3, 1), $f1)))], select=[l_quantity, l_extendedprice, p_partkey, l_partkey, $f1], leftInputSpec=[NoUniqueKey], rightInputSpec=[JoinKeyContainsUniqueKey])
               :- Exchange(distribution=[hash[p_partkey]])
               :  +- Calc(select=[l_quantity, l_extendedprice, p_partkey])
               :     +- Join(joinType=[InnerJoin], where=[=(p_partkey, l_partkey)], select=[l_partkey, l_quantity, l_extendedprice, p_partkey], leftInputSpec=[NoUniqueKey], rightInputSpec=[NoUniqueKey])
               :        :- Exchange(distribution=[hash[l_partkey]])
               :        :  +- Calc(select=[lineitem.l_partkey AS l_partkey, lineitem.l_quantity AS l_quantity, lineitem.l_extendedprice AS l_extendedprice], where=[=(eventType, _UTF-16LE'lineitem':VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE")])
               :        :     +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, tpch]], fields=[eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region])
               :        +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[p_partkey]])
               :           +- Calc(select=[part.p_partkey AS p_partkey], where=[=(eventType, _UTF-16LE'part':VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE")])
               :              +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, tpch]], fields=[eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region])
               +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[l_partkey]])
                  +- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[l_partkey], select=[l_partkey, AVG(l_quantity) AS $f1])
                     +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[l_partkey]])
                        +- Calc(select=[lineitem.l_partkey AS l_partkey, lineitem.l_quantity AS l_quantity], where=[AND(=(eventType, _UTF-16LE'lineitem':VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE"), IS NOT NULL(lineitem.l_partkey))])
                           +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, tpch]], fields=[eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region])

== Optimized Execution Plan ==
Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.tpch_q17], fields=[avg_yearly])
+- Calc(select=[CAST(($f0 / 7.0) AS DECIMAL(10, 0)) AS avg_yearly])
   +- GroupAggregate(select=[SUM_RETRACT(l_extendedprice) AS $f0])
      +- Exchange(distribution=[single])
         +- Calc(select=[l_extendedprice])
            +- Join(joinType=[InnerJoin], where=[((p_partkey = l_partkey) AND (l_quantity < (20.2 * $f1)))], select=[l_quantity, l_extendedprice, p_partkey, l_partkey, $f1], leftInputSpec=[NoUniqueKey], rightInputSpec=[JoinKeyContainsUniqueKey])
               :- Exchange(distribution=[hash[p_partkey]])
               :  +- Calc(select=[l_quantity, l_extendedprice, p_partkey])
               :     +- Join(joinType=[InnerJoin], where=[(p_partkey = l_partkey)], select=[l_partkey, l_quantity, l_extendedprice, p_partkey], leftInputSpec=[NoUniqueKey], rightInputSpec=[NoUniqueKey])
               :        :- Exchange(distribution=[hash[l_partkey]])
               :        :  +- Calc(select=[lineitem.l_partkey AS l_partkey, lineitem.l_quantity AS l_quantity, lineitem.l_extendedprice AS l_extendedprice], where=[(eventType = 'lineitem')])
               :        :     +- TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, tpch]], fields=[eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region])(reuse_id=[1])
               :        +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[p_partkey]])
               :           +- Calc(select=[part.p_partkey AS p_partkey], where=[(eventType = 'part')])
               :              +- Reused(reference_id=[1])
               +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[l_partkey]])
                  +- GroupAggregate(groupBy=[l_partkey], select=[l_partkey, AVG(l_quantity) AS $f1])
                     +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[l_partkey]])
                        +- Calc(select=[lineitem.l_partkey AS l_partkey, lineitem.l_quantity AS l_quantity], where=[((eventType = 'lineitem') AND lineitem.l_partkey IS NOT NULL)])
                           +- Reused(reference_id=[1])
lmatz commented 10 months ago

We notice that there are 4 StreamHashJoin in Risingwave's query plan even after we discount the 2 StreamHashJoins that are shared by StreamShare { id: 13 } we still got 4 - (2-1) = 3 StreamHashJoin: 2 InnerJoin 1 LeftOuter

while there are only 2 Join in Flink's query plan: 2 InnerJoin

lmatz commented 8 months ago

After #15247 and since nightly-20240306

RW's plan now becomes:

StreamSink { type: append-only, columns: [avg_yearly] }
 └─StreamProject { exprs: [(sum(sum($expr3)) / 7.0:Decimal) as $expr6] }
   └─StreamSimpleAgg { aggs: [sum(sum($expr3)), count] }
     └─StreamExchange { dist: Single }
       └─StreamStatelessSimpleAgg { aggs: [sum($expr3)] }
         └─StreamProject { exprs: [$expr3, _row_id, _row_id, $expr1, $expr4, $expr1] }
           └─StreamFilter { predicate: ($expr2 < $expr5) }
             └─StreamHashJoin { type: Inner, predicate: $expr4 = $expr1 }
               ├─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr4) }
               │ └─StreamHashJoin [append_only] { type: Inner, predicate: $expr1 = $expr4 }
               │   ├─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr1) }
               │   │ └─StreamShare { id: 7 }
               │   │   └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(lineitem, 1:Int32) as $expr1, Field(lineitem, 4:Int32) as $expr2, Field(lineitem, 5:Int32) as $expr3, _row_id] }
               │   │     └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar) }
               │   │       └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
               │   │         └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
               │   │           └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
               │   │             └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
               │   │               └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
               │   └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr4) }
               │     └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(part, 0:Int32) as $expr4, _row_id] }
               │       └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'part':Varchar) }
               │         └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
               │           └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
               │             └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
               │               └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
               │                 └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
               └─StreamProject { exprs: [(220.2:Decimal * (sum($expr2) / count($expr2)::Decimal)) as $expr5, $expr1] }
                 └─StreamHashAgg [append_only] { group_key: [$expr1], aggs: [sum($expr2), count($expr2), count] }
                   └─StreamExchange { dist: HashShard($expr1) }
                     └─StreamShare { id: 7 }
                       └─StreamProject { exprs: [Field(lineitem, 1:Int32) as $expr1, Field(lineitem, 4:Int32) as $expr2, Field(lineitem, 5:Int32) as $expr3, _row_id] }
                         └─StreamFilter { predicate: (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar) }
                           └─StreamShare { id: 4 }
                             └─StreamProject { exprs: [eventType, lineitem, part, _row_id] }
                               └─StreamFilter { predicate: ((eventType = 'part':Varchar) OR (eventType = 'lineitem':Varchar)) }
                                 └─StreamRowIdGen { row_id_index: 10 }
                                   └─StreamSource { source: tpch, columns: [eventType, lineitem, supplier, part, partsupp, customer, orders, nation, region, _rw_kafka_timestamp, _row_id] }
(38 rows)
lmatz commented 8 months ago


SCR-20240318-iiw SCR-20240318-ilr

looks like #15305 again, same phenomenon as TPC-H q20: #q20

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

This issue has been open for 60 days with no activity. Could you please update the status? Feel free to continue discussion or close as not planned.