rivetTDA / rivet

RIVET is a tool for Topological Data Analysis, in particular two-parameter persistent homology.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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RIVET should remember and display computation parameters #161

Open mlwright84 opened 3 years ago

mlwright84 commented 3 years ago

When exploring a RIVET visualization, one sometimes forgets what parameters were selected in order to compute the module in variants file. This is especially true now that RIVET offers many parameter settings via the GUI and also via flags in the data file or command line. Most of these parameter choices are not stored in the MI file, so it can be difficult to confirm which parameters were chosen for the computation. I suggest two enhancements:

  1. Before beginning a computation, rivet_console should print out the parameters that are about to be used in the computation. This would provide helpful verification of parameter choices, especially given that command-line flags override flags in the input file. These parameter choices should then be saved in the MI file.
  2. rivet_GUI should have a way of displaying the parameters that are saved in the MI file. For example, these could be displayed in a dialog box accessible from a menu.