Closed tliron closed 7 months ago
OK, maybe there is a workaround. For reference, here's my attempt. It "works" but I have an uneasy feeling that I'm not taking into account some factors. (By the way, does GetLastPosition
return negative x
if the column is hidden to the left?)
SetMouseCapture(func(action tview.MouseAction, event *tcell.EventMouse) (tview.MouseAction, *tcell.EventMouse) {
if action == tview.MouseLeftDoubleClick {
row, column := table.GetOffset()
x, y := event.Position()
row += y - 1 // -1 to skip the header
// Which column are we on?
columns := table.GetColumnCount()
for c := 0; c < columns; c++ {
cell := table.GetCell(row, c)
cx, _, width := cell.GetLastPosition()
if (x >= cx) && (x <= cx+width) {
column = c
openDetails(row, column)
return action, nil
return action, event
I made Table.CellAt
The cellAt function is currently private.
However, it makes sense for me to make it public, to allow for custom mouse handlers to determine which cell the mouse is pointing to.
It's actually impossible to workaround this issue because the function relies on private properties in the struct.