rizonesoft / Notepad3

Notepad like text editor based on the Scintilla source code. Notepad3 based on code from Notepad2 and MiniPath on code from metapath. Download Notepad3:
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Find/Replace dialog don't show up anymore #2539

Closed ludoux closed 4 years ago

ludoux commented 4 years ago

If this is a stupid question, I first apologize.

When I first use the Notepad3, I can use "Ctrl+F/H" to show the Find/Replace dialog to type words and use the "next" button to check the results. However, In the next day, Find/Replace dialog don't show up anymore. I tried to use the shortcuts and the Menu-bar-Edit-Search-Find, but neither of them can show the dialog.

I find that If my clipboard has some words, both Ctrl+F and the Menu-bar can highlight the results. I tried "Clear clipboard" and Ctrl-F again, and the result is that no highlight and no dialog.

I tried to fully-uninstall and reinstall Notepad3, which still can't fix it. I'm using a 15.6' 3840*2160 (zoom 250%) laptop. Is there some options I miss? Thank you all to help me.

Version Info ``` Notepad3 (64-bit) v5.20.615.1 RC1 (6db05f7) Compiler: MS Visual C++ 2019 v16.6.(1-2) (VC v1926) OS Version: Windows 10 Version 1909 (Build 18363) Scintilla v443 Oniguruma v6.9.5 - Locale -> en-US (CP:'ANSI (CP-936)') - Current Encoding -> 'Unicode (UTF-8) Signature' - Screen-Resolution -> 3840 x 2160 [pix] - Display-DPI -> 240 x 240 (Scale: 250%). - Rendering-Technology -> 'GDI' - Zoom -> 100%. - Process is not elevated - User is in Admin-Group. - Current Lexer -> 'Configuration Files' ```
Settings File ```ini [Notepad3] ;Notepad3.ini=%USERPROFILE%\Notepad3.ini ;Notepad3.ini=%APPDATA%\Rizonesoft\Notepad3\Notepad3.ini [Settings] SettingsVersion=4 Favorites=%APPDATA%\Rizonesoft\Notepad3\Favorites\ MarkOccurrences=false [Settings2] PreferredLanguageLocaleName=en-US ;IMEInteraction=0 ;AutoReloadTimeout=2000 ;DateTimeLong= ;TimeStampRegExLong= ;DateTimeShort= ;TimeStampRegExShort= ;DefaultDirectory= ;DefaultExtension=txt ;DefaultWindowPosition= ;DenyVirtualSpaceAccess=0 ;filebrowser.exe=minipath.exe ;grepWin.exe=grepWinNP3.exe ;FileCheckInverval=2000 ;FileDlgFilters= ;FileLoadWarningMB=64 ;MarkOccurrencesMaxCount=2000 ;MultiFileArg=0 ;NoCGIGuess=0 ;NoCopyLineOnEmptySelection=0 ;NoCutLineOnEmptySelection=0 ;NoFadeHidden=0 ;NoFileVariables=0 ;NoHTMLGuess=0 ;PortableMyDocs=1 ;OpacityLevel=75 ;FindReplaceOpacityLevel=50 ;RelativeFileMRU=1 ;ReuseWindow=0 ;SciFontQuality=3 ;SimpleIndentGuides=0 ;SingleFileInstance=1 ;ShellAppUserModelID=Rizonesoft.Notepad3 ;ShellUseSystemMRU=1 ;StickyWindowPosition=0 ;UseOldStyleBraceMatching=0 ;WebTemplate1=https://google.com/search?q=%s ;WebTemplate2=https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s ;ExtendedWhiteSpaceChars= ;AutoCompleteWordCharSet= ;AutoCompleteFillUpChars= ;LineCommentPostfixStrg= ;UpdateDelayMarkAllOccurrences=50 ;CurrentLineHorizontalSlop=40 ;CurrentLineVerticalSlop=5 ;UndoTransactionTimeout=0 ;AdministrationTool.exe= ;DevDebugMode=0 ;AnalyzeReliableConfidenceLevel=92 ;LocaleAnsiCodePageAnalysisBonus=33 ;LexerSQLNumberSignAsComment=1 ;ExitOnESCSkipLevel=2 ;ZoomTooltipTimeout=3200 [Statusbar Settings] ;VisibleSections=0 1 12 14 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ;SectionPrefixes=Ln ,Col ,Sel ,Sb ,SLn ,Occ ,,,,,,,Ch ,Repl ,Eval , ;SectionPostfixes=,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;SectionWidthSpecs=30 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 20 ;ZeroBasedColumnIndex=0 ;ZeroBasedCharacterCount=0 [Toolbar Images] ;BitmapDefault=<[:|relative_]\path_to>\Toolbar.bmp ;BitmapHot=<[:|relative_]\path_to>\ToolbarHot.bmp ;BitmapDisabled=<[:|relative_]\path_to>\ToolbarDisabled.bmp [Toolbar Labels] ;01=New ;02=Open ;03=Browse ;04=Save ;05=Undo ;06=Redo ;07=Cut ;08=Copy ;09=Paste ;10=Find ;11=Replace ;12=Word Wrap ;13=Zoom In ;14=Zoom Out ;15=Scheme ;16=Customize Schemes ;17=Exit ;18=Save As ;19=Save Copy ;20=Delete ;21=Print ;22=Favorites ;23=Add to Favorites ;24=Toggle Folds ;25=Execute Document ;26=Focused View ;27=Monitoring Log ;28=History ;29=Always On Top [Custom Colors] [Styles] [Common Base] [2nd Common Base] [Text Files] [ANSI Art] [Apache Config Files] [Assembly Script] [AutoHotkey_L Script] [AutoIt3 Script] [AviSynth Script] [Awk Script] [Batch Files] [C# Source Code] [C/C++ Source Code] [Cmake Script] [Coffeescript] [Configuration Files] [CSS Style Sheets] [CSV Prism] [D Source Code] [Diff Files] [Go Source Code] [Inno Setup Script] [Java Source Code] [JavaScript] [JSON] [LaTeX Files] [Lua Script] [Makefiles] [Markdown] [MATLAB] [Nim Source Code] [NSIS Script] [Pascal Source Code] [Perl Script] [PowerShell Script] [Python Script] [Registry Files] [Resource Script] [R-S-SPlus Statistics Code] [Ruby Script] [Rust Source Code] [Shell Script] [SQL Query] [Tcl Script] [TOML Config] [VBScript] [VHDL] [Visual Basic] [Web Source Code] [XML Document] [YAML] [Window] 3840x2160 HighDpiToolBar=1 3840x2160 PosX=1920 3840x2160 PosY=0 3840x2160 SizeX=1920 3840x2160 SizeY=2084 3840x2160 Maximized=false 3840x2160 Zoom=100 [Suppressed Messages] [Recent Files] 01="D:\Downloads\Compressed\cartographer-master\cartographer\mapping\2d\probability_grid.cc" ENC01=3 [Recent Find] [Recent Replace] ```
hpwamr commented 4 years ago

Hello @ludoux , Just a question: Could it be that the second time the "Find/Replace" dialogbox is open outside of your display? 🤔

RaiKoHoff commented 4 years ago

Hello @ludoux , no question is stupid - only the answers maybe stupid. From your posted .ini-File, there is no setting, which causes the Find/Replace dialog to open outside the work area. With these settings, the F/R-Dialog should open centered within Notepad3's window. Even a [Settings2] FindReplaceOpacityLevel=0 (which is not set here) will not make the dialog invisible. But I know, the RC1 version you are using has some Problems on HiDPI monitor settings (like you are using). Please try the latest Beta version (@hpwamr may help you to get the latest BETA).

ludoux commented 4 years ago

@hpwamr Thank you! (Based on Notepad3 (64-bit) v5.20.615.1 RC1) Yes... I just tried to set the scale to 100%, and it finally show. It seems that when at high-scale environment, the main window has to be at the top left position, and the Find dialog will show at the lower right position. Therefore, if the main window is at the center, the dialog will show at the outside of my display.

However the dialog is too big(almost full-screen) in (4K) 250% scale environment. Is it a bug or I just set some wrong settings...? attachment

@RaiKoHoff Thank you! I will next install the latest BETA version and try to find whether this question still exist.

hpwamr commented 4 years ago

Hello @RaiKoHoff , Feel free to test the "Portable BETA/RC paf" version "Notepad3Portable_5.20.719.1_RC2.paf" or higher. See the issue "Notepad3 BETA/RC-channel access #1129" or hereunder:

Note1: The "Notepad3Portable_paf" version can be used in "2 flavors", see with or without extension ".7z". Note2: If you follow the instructions of #1105 , you can update your "Notepad3 Setup" version with the latest features/fixes of the "Portable BETA/RC paf" version (see #1129).

Also, feel free to test the "Setup BETA/RC" version "Notepad3_5.20.710.1_Setup_RC2" or higher. See the issue "Notepad3 BETA/RC-channel access #1129" or hereunder:

Your comments and suggestions are welcome... 😃

ludoux commented 4 years ago

The Notepad3 (64-bit) v5.20.719.1 RC2 can show the dialog perfectly at center position and with normal size at scale: 250% environment. Thank you all @hpwamr @RaiKoHoff , and have a nice day.😃