rjournal / rjtools

Tools for AUTHORS to use for checking and submitting articles to the R Journal
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Customise RJwrapper.tex is not possible #47

Closed bastienchassagnol-servier closed 2 years ago

bastienchassagnol-servier commented 2 years ago

While keeping all the lines from the original RJwrapper.tex, I used to add some extra code lines for specific maths notations (for instance, load cancel package \usepackage{cancel} to cross out terms in equations).

But it seems that knitting the document using RStudio automatically retrieves the original RJwrapper.tex, deleting any additional line of code. Then, where should I put these extra-lines designed to format my paper? In the main Rmd document, or in the RJournal.sty file?

bastienchassagnol-servier commented 2 years ago

In fact, I solved this specific problem, by adding a header-includes section in the YAML preamble of my paper document, enabling to add some specific Latex packages required for some of my maths notation.