Closed Tomeccx closed 1 year ago
Same exact issue
Hello! If you originally compiled the FLIP Fluids addon on Windows, this will not be compatible with Linux when transferring over the installation zip archive. You will need to re-compile the addon on your Ubuntu installation for Linux support.
Please note that this issue tracker is only meant for issues/bugs related to the official marketplace version of the FLIP Fluids addon. We are also unable to provide support for building and diagnosing issues related to building the addon due to the the wide variety of target systems and system setups, and development experience of the builder.
System Information
Blender Version (including hash): 3.14 FLIP Fluids Version: Latest Github Operating System: Ubuntu x64 CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x GFX: Nvidia GTX 1060 RAM: 16 gigs of 3200mhz
Provide a clear and concise description of what the actual bug/issue is that you are experiencing. Hello! So I recently I switched over to ubuntu, and decided to download blender. I'm using what I believe to be the latest github version for flip fluids, I used the same .zip for windows and I have been making stuff for the past 2 weeks. However, when I switch over and install the .zip onto blender for ubuntu. I'm getting the following error when pressing the bake button. 'Cannot find fluid engine libraries: '. See system console for error info.
A description of what you expected to happen. Liquid be baked
A description of what actually happened. Liquid not get baked, I get an error. 'Cannot find fluid engine libraries: '. See system console for error info.