rltsquare / ProductReviewImages-Magento2

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Images Upload, but Won't Display on Front-End #5

Open MakoWish opened 1 year ago

MakoWish commented 1 year ago

I installed ProductReviewImages 1.0.7 onto Magento 2.4. I can successfully upload images, and I can see the images when approving the review on the back-end, but once approved, the images do not show up on the front-end. How do I make the images show up on the front-end?

MakoWish commented 1 year ago

Also, if I try to delete any review with this extension installed, I get an error:

An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details.
FadedOut commented 1 year ago

I had this installed with my theme (Codazon - Infinit) during a recent update. Was excited to have images with reviews now.

But after finding out its is this incredibly old and outdated module, it's useless. If you look, the last time this was ever even updated or had a commit submitted was in 2017.

It's a dead module - I wouldn't use it. The security risks are probably a mile high as well (probably no sanitation on file uploads means someone could most likely upload a malformed file on purpose and do bad things to the site).

In any case, I also received the same error during review deletion. The error (if you look at the exception log, which you must always do if you get the generic error "An error has happened during application run") is the following:

main.CRITICAL: Error: Typed property RLTSquare\ProductReviewImages\Observer\AdminProductReviewDeleteBefore::$collectionFactory must not be accessed before initialization in .../app/code/RLTSquare/ProductReviewImages/Observer/AdminProductReviewDeleteBefore.php:132

And that error does not appear to be a simple "add the 'string' word in that file to make it compatible with PHP 8.x". It looks to be more deeply flawed and broken. With the updates so long ago, I would not expect any response from the developers.