rlv-dan / Snap2HTML

Generates directory listings contained in a single, app-like HTML files
GNU General Public License v3.0
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error with persian name with space in command line #49

Open mtabdar opened 3 months ago

mtabdar commented 3 months ago

i am using snap2html to create a html file containing list of files in a directory. i wrote a batch script to automate the process. it works perfectly with command line capabilities of snap2html. though i have a problem with folders that have a persian name and space in their name when they are set as the root folder. this is my .bat file: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir z:\scan\ /b /a:d') do call :myf1 "%%~a" :myf1 set "x=z:\scan\%~1" set "y=!x!\index.html" echo !x! rem echo !y! C:\Snap2HTML\Snap2HTML.exe -path:"!x!" -outfile:"!y!" -link:"" -title:"%~1" exit /B does any one has any solution for that?

mtabdar commented 3 months ago

i tried 1- a persian string and space and a number -> it works 2- an english string and space and a persian string -> it works 3- two persian strings sepatated with space->it doesn't work.