Equinox is an application that allows you to create macOS native wallpapers. Starting macOS Mojave we have such cool things as «Dynamic Desktop»
, «Light and Dark Desktop»
types of wallpapers. With the help of the Equinox
application, you can easily create those with a few clicks in seconds. Just select a suitable type, drag and drop your images and create your wallpaper.
There are three
types of wallpapers that you can create:
It will help you to calculate the position of the sun in the sky.
, date
, and time
on the «Sun timeline»
when you took a photo. If you don't know the exact time you can use the sun timeline to see how high or low the position of the sun in the sky is and match it with the photos you have.«Services»
-> «Set Desktop Picture»
type in your «Desktop & Screen Saver»
macOS Preferences before you set the wallpaper.
«Desktop & Screen Saver»
macOS Preferences.«Dynamic Desktop»
wallpaper and set it’s type to «Dynamic»
-> «Set Desktop Picture»
-> «Date & Time»
, change the time to see how wallpaper works over time.Many thanks to the macOS community and special thanks to mczachurski and his awesome articles.
Equinox is translated to:
To translate Equinox to another language:
where xx is the language code (ex: en, fr, es, de, ...)Equinox
& EquinoxAssets
localization languages in EquinoxAssets
for the new language with your translated strings