rmihaylov / falcontune

Tune any FALCON in 4-bit
Apache License 2.0
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Possible to offload to cpu (ram) #1

Open angelovAlex opened 1 year ago

angelovAlex commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to reduce required vram by offloading it to ram? From my experiments with Lora, models are able to pickup logic from custom dataset with very little amount of data. Would be great to be able to finetune it slow but with less amount of vram.

rmihaylov commented 1 year ago

You can play with the code. I have no plan to implement it myself, but I know that this will work:

def load_model_and_offload(llm_config, checkpoint, half=False, backend='triton', lora_path=None, max_memory=None):
    if max_memory is None:
        max_memory = {0: '13Gib', 'cpu': '25Gib'}

    config = RWConfig.from_pretrained(llm_config.hf_config_name)
    config.max_seq_len = llm_config.max_seq_len

    assert config.alibi is False

    if half:

    with accelerate.init_empty_weights():
        ql = importlib.import_module(f'falcontune.backend.{backend}.quantlinear')

        model = RWForCausalLM(config)
        model = model.eval()

        layers = find_layers(model)

        for name in ['lm_head']:
            if name in layers:
                del layers[name]


    accelerate.load_checkpoint_in_model(model, checkpoint=checkpoint, device_map={'': 'cpu'})

    model.loaded_in_4bit = True

    if lora_path is not None:
        model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(
            model, lora_path,
            device_map={'': 'cpu'},

        logger.info('{} Lora Applied.'.format(lora_path))

    model.seqlen = llm_config.max_seq_len

    for n, m in model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(m, ql.QuantLinear) or isinstance(m, Linear4bitLt):
            m.scales = m.scales.half()
            m.bias = m.bias.half()

    device_map = accelerate.infer_auto_device_map(
        model, max_memory=max_memory,

    model = accelerate.dispatch_model(
        model, device_map=device_map,
        offload_buffers=True, main_device=0)


    logger.info('Total {:.2f} Gib VRAM used.'.format(torch.cuda.memory_allocated() / 1024 / 1024))

    tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(llm_config.hf_config_name)
    tokenizer.truncation_side = 'left'

    tokenizer.bos_token_id = config.bos_token_id
    tokenizer.eos_token_id = config.eos_token_id
    tokenizer.pad_token_id = config.eos_token_id

    return model, tokenizer
rmihaylov commented 1 year ago

Also, some minor changes have to be made: 1) don't register inv_freq 2) don't register wf

rmihaylov commented 1 year ago

And then Falcon-40B-GPTQ could be loaded and it will make inferences with a T4 GPU 16G

rmihaylov commented 1 year ago

But it is a lot slower

angelovAlex commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I did not touch it for a few weeks. I think inferences work fine with cpu offloading, but tuning crashes with error that all tensors expected to be on same device. Which seems to be not possible to finetune it on multiple gpus as well.