roach-php / core

The complete web scraping toolkit for PHP.
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No results with specific url #196

Closed plompd closed 10 months ago

plompd commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug If I try to scrape the following URL, it is successful:

If I try to scrape the same page, but with another URL, it returns no result:

It is the same page, but initiated from the pager at the bottom.

So with the original URL, my scraper only does scrape the first 10 items and if I try to go to the next page, I get this new URL like stated above and that results in nothing.

I cannot see what the difference is or how I should fix this?

class ZichtSpider extends BasicSpider
    public array $startUrls = [

    public array $downloaderMiddleware = [
        [RandomUserAgentMiddleware::class, ['userAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; RoachPHP/0.1.0)']],

    public array $spiderMiddleware = [

    public array $itemProcessors = [

    public array $extensions = [

    public int $concurrency = 2;

    public int $requestDelay = 1;

    public function parse(Response $response): Generator
         $items = $response->filter('.actSResContainer .itemContainer')->each(function (Crawler $node) {

            $titleNode = $node->filter('.itemTitle a.cluetips');
            $relAttribute = $titleNode->attr('rel'); // Fetching the rel attribute

            // Regular expression to extract the ID
            $regex = '/id\/(\d+)\//';
            $matches = [];
            $vacancyId = '';

            if (preg_match($regex, $relAttribute, $matches)) {
                $vacancyId = $matches[1]; // The first captured group contains the ID

            return [
                'url' => $titleNode->link()->getUri(),
                'title' => $titleNode->text(),
                'referenceNumber' => $vacancyId,

        foreach ($items as $item) {
            yield $this->request('GET', $item['url'], 'parseJob', ['item' => $item]);

        try {
            // Attempt to find the next page link. Adjust the selector as needed.
            $nextPageLink = $response->filter('.pageNav a.pnNext');

            if ($nextPageLink->count() > 0) {
                $nextPageUrl = '' . $nextPageLink->attr('href');
                yield $this->request('GET', $nextPageUrl);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {



    public function parseJob(Response $response): Generator
plompd commented 10 months ago

@ksassnowski Do you have any clue?

ksassnowski commented 10 months ago

I had a quick look at their site and I honestly have no clue what they're doing. The same URL sometimes returns results and sometimes doesn't. It might be tied to the current session but I haven't investigated this any further.

I'm turning this issue into a discussion since it's not really a problem with the library.