Closed BoXoBoXoBoXo closed 1 year ago
I am replying here even though I helped you elsewhere
Just in case any one sees this
CDbl is a variable type with vbsript in Windows.
If vbscript on your computer can't do it, the issue is with your copy of Windows
I get this error after entering a number for theshold to show loss:
Microsoft VBScript: Type incompatible: 'CDbl'
I don't understand why
`show loss / inspect training -> SHOW LOSS -> ASK FOR THRESHOLD
log folder: E:\STABLE_DUFFUSION\stable-diffusion-webui\textual_inversion\2023-10-05\test
The default threshold is 0.06 loss, and the output will only show numbers below that. type 'y' or to continue. Type a number to change the threshold. press enter for the default or enter or a number! nothing else ***** the number can be an integer, or have a decimal. examples: 0.08, 1, 0.03 (only enter one value) enter x to go to ROOT MENU enter exit to go to quit
: 1
E:\STABLE_DUFFUSION\trainingtools\embedding_loss.vbs(65, 9) Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript: Type incompatible: 'CDbl'
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