robertleeplummerjr / Leaflet.glify

fully functional, ridiculously fast web gl renderer plugin for leaflet
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Having trouble adding colors to the map #17

Open Jesse-Kerr opened 5 years ago

Jesse-Kerr commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank you very much for this library. I am trying to add colors to my web gl. I have prepared an array of colors the same length as the array of points, with in RGB hexadecimal format.

This is the format:


I save this as map_colors and call it in L.glify.points as below:

  map: mymap,
  data: array,
  color: map_colors

However, the points do not seem to be changing color, they are all grey. Do I need to provide the colors in a different format? Thank you

tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

You need to provide a function to color the points.

Here I use clrs = function(index, point) { return cols[index]; }; to color points.

Also, I think you need to provide colors in RGB notation. i.e. [[0.1,0.4,0.8],[0.5,0.8,0],[...]] but I may be wrong. In any case, I couldn't get the hexadecimal notation to work.

Jesse-Kerr commented 5 years ago

Hi Tim,

Thank you for the help. I converted my hexadecimal colors into RGB format and divided by 255, so they look like so:

var color_min = 

The data points I have look like this:

var arr_min =

Then I followed your example on the link you provided, and now have this:

var clrs;
if (color_min.length === 1) {
    clrs = color_min[0];
} else {
    clrs = function(index, point) { return color_min[index]; };


  map: mymap,
  data: arr_min,
  color: clrs

However, my points are still all coming out grey.

Thank you again, Jesse

tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

Are you using the latest version? The index based coloring was only introduced recently.

tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

Also, I think your color array should be an object and look like this:


At least that's what works for me

Jesse-Kerr commented 5 years ago

Yes, it worked! Thank you so much.

robertleeplummerjr commented 5 years ago

Does the documentation need clarified you guys think?

robertleeplummerjr commented 5 years ago

Also, if hexadecimal is of value, we could easily put in a translator.

tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

A translator would be great! It would save space for large amounts of data/colors.

Jesse-Kerr commented 5 years ago

I certainly think that it could be clearer, but I am a total Javascript newbie (about 1.5 months of experience thus far), so that could also explain my troubles. I mainly used the and the index.html to attempt to solve the problem without success.

I've started working on some introductory information for the readme, and I could include info on how to add colors.

Jesse-Kerr commented 5 years ago

Maybe we could display this part of the points.js file in the readme?

if (colorFn) {
    colorFn(i, latLng);

I think it clarifies better what happens when you supply a function to color.

We could also say that if you do supply a function to color, it needs to return a Javascript object of the same length of the data, in the format that Tim specified above, as argument i. If we add in a hexadecimal converter we could specify that later as well.

robertleeplummerjr commented 5 years ago

So a helper function like:

function hexToRgb(hex) {
    if (hex[0] === '#') hex = hex.substring(1, 7);
    return {
        r: parseInt(hex[0] + hex[1], 16),
        g: parseInt(hex[2] + hex[3], 16),
        b: parseInt(hex[4] + hex[5], 16)
hexToRgb('#509cd6'); // -> Object { r: 80, g: 156, b: 214 }
tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

Yes, that looks right! Do we need the spaces in { r: 80, g: 156, b: 214 }?

robertleeplummerjr commented 5 years ago

it is an object, so... no?

tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

Then I would vote for dropping them. It may sound ridiculous, but when data grows to 10-20m points, I think those spaces will matter. Thanks for the effort!

robertleeplummerjr commented 5 years ago

Lets think in terms of what is practical. I'm being too verbose on what would change internally. So supplying something like: ["#762181","#762181","#6E1E81","#170F3C","#170F3C","#420F75","#661B80","#AE347B","#420F75","#420F75"] is what we're after? This would give us a 1 to 1 of points given to leaflet.glify.

tim-salabim commented 5 years ago

Yes, that is what we are after