robomechs / 6-AXIS-USBCNC-GRBL

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Reset not working on Blue Pill and Black Pill with limit alarm is set #27

Closed troth530 closed 4 years ago

troth530 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I opened a new issue as this is not USB related. I cannot clear an alarm after hitting a limit switch and after the limit alarm gets set. I cannot get Ctrl+X to work on blue pill or back pill (STM32f103C8). Reset button does not work either. $X works for some alarms, but not a limit alarm (with $22=1).

Shutting down the software host and unplugging the USB does work, but it seems like it should respond to soft reset ($X, Ctrl+X) or a hard reset (button). It should not require a complete reboot.

Thank you for all your hard work!

creisey commented 4 years ago

how did you compile the firmware for blackpill?

robomechs commented 4 years ago