rockowitz / ddcui

Graphical user interface for ddcutil - control monitor settings
GNU General Public License v2.0
147 stars 2 forks source link

cold start #15

Open 532910 opened 4 years ago

532910 commented 4 years ago

If started with monitor switched off (via ssh -X for example) it will always report Display does not support DDC even after turning it on. The only way is to restart application.

rockowitz commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, ddcutil only performs monitor detection at startup.  This is not a problem for the command line version, which just detects monitors, performs an operation, and terminates.  It is a known issue for ddcui.  In the best of worlds, the library would detect a monitor change, scan the new monitor, and notify ddcui of the change.  Simpler to implement, but still requiring API enhancement, would be a Rescan Displays entry of the Actions menu.  It's on the TODO list - the GUI hooks are already there.

On 9/27/19 4:46 PM, sergio wrote:

If started with monitor switched off (via ssh -X for example) it will always report |Display does not support DDC| even after turning it on. The only way is to restart application.

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