roipeker / graphx

GraphX package for Flutter.
MIT License
496 stars 49 forks source link
custompainter dart flutter graphx
![GraphX™]( [![pub package](;base64,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&label=graphx&style=for-the-badge&color=blue)]( [![style: effective dart](]( [![License: MIT](]( | rendering | prototype | design | Making drawings and animations in Flutter, super simple and *FUN*.

video showcase.

Used at Flutter Forward Extended London (Jan 2023)


Check our CHANGELOG.


To get some extended, boring explanations, and eventually some sample codes, check the [GraphX™ Wiki](


GraphX is all about visuals, here you have some screen captures of random prototypes I've been doing, while developing and testing graphx.

For your GraphX scene to support Hot Reload, you should initialize your variables and DisplayObjects inside addedToStage, and optionally clean them in dispose.

artificial horizon parallax game charts pie color 2 simple particles drawing api playful v1

... jump to other gifs samples ...

## Background. GraphX™ is here to help you build custom drawings in your Flutter apps. Providing a great versatility to power those screen pixels to a different level. It's inspired by the good-old Flash API, which forged my way into programming back in the days, and inspired many other rendering frameworks, in several languages through the years. I was thinking how much I missed to "play" with code, to make things more organic, artistic, alive... I totally love Flutter, but I always feel that it requires too much boilerplate to make things move around (compared to what I used to code). Even if GraphX™ is not an animation library (although has a small tween engine), nor a game engine, It can help you build really awesome user experiences! It just runs on top of `CustomPainter`... Using what Flutter SDK exposes from the SKIA engine through the Canvas, yet, gives you some " framework" to run `isolated` from the Widget's world. Can be used to simple draw a line, a circle, maybe a custom button, some splash effect on your UI, or even a full-blown game in a portion of the screen. Mix and match with Flutter as you please, as **GraphX**™ uses `CustomPainter`, it is part of your Widget's tree. ## Concept. The repo is in early stages. You can check the [changelog]( to get the latest updates. GraphX has support for loading `rootBundle` assets: ```dart ResourceLoader.loadBinary(assetId) ResourceLoader.loadGif(assetId) ResourceLoader.loadTextureAtlas(imagePath, xmlPath) ResourceLoader.loadTexture(assetId) ResourceLoader.loadImage(assetId) ResourceLoader.loadString(assetId) ResourceLoader.loadJson(assetId) ResourceLoader.loadSvg(assetId) ``` As well as network images (SVG is not supported on non-SKIA targets): ```dart ResourceLoader.loadNetworkTexture(url); ResourceLoader.loadNetworkSvg(url); ``` ResourceLoader also stores in cache based on the `assetId` or `url` provided. You can pass `cacheId` in most methods to override that, once the resources loaded, you can access them with: ```dart ResourceLoader.getTexture(id); ResourceLoader.getSvg(id); ResourceLoader.getAtlas(id); ResourceLoader.getGif(id); ``` GraphX™ also provides "raw" support for Text rendering, using the `StaticText` class. --- How does it work? GraphX™ drives a `CustomPainter` inside. The idea is to simplify the usage of Flutter's `Canvas`, plus adding the **display list** concept, very similar to the Widget Tree concept; so you can imperatively code, manage and create more complex "Scenes". The library has its own rendering cycle using Flutter's `Ticker` (pretty much like `AnimationController` does), and each `SceneWidgetBuilder` does its own input capture and processing (mouse, keyboard, touches). Even if it runs on the Widget tree, you can enable the flags to capture mouse/touch input, or keystrokes events (if u wanna do some simple game, or desktop/web tool). ### Sample code. ```dart body: Center( child: SceneBuilderWidget( /// wrap any Widget with SceneBuilderWidget builder: () => SceneController( back: GameSceneBack(), /// optional provide the background layer front: GameSceneFront(), /// optional provide the foreground layer ), child: Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: [ Text('You have pushed the button this many times:'), Text('$_counter',style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline4), ], ), ), ), ``` GraphX™ is based on "Scenes", each `SceneBuilderWidget` requires a `SceneController`. This controller is the initializer of the Scenes layers, which can be: - `back` (background painter), - `front` (foreground painter), - or both. Also takes a `SceneConfig()`, so you can configure what you need from the Widget's side. You can make use of some predefined Scene configurators: - `SceneConfig.static`: If you plan to only use this scene to draw some graphics, like a background. - ``: Activates all GraphX features, auto render and update, pointers and keyboard support. - ``: Shortcut of _games_, helpful if you wanna use it in some custom drawing editor, or similar with keyboard shortcuts. - `SceneConfig.interactive` (_default_): Probably the most common setup for mobile, enables all features except keyboard support. - `SceneConfig.autoRender`: Allows you to have a ticker running, and auto update the scene, with NO inputs (mouse/touch/keyboard), if you wanna have an animated Widget, or maybe if you wanna control it externally. Each "Scene" has to extend `Sprite`, this root class represents the starting point of that particular scene hierarchy. Think of it as `MaterialApp` widget is to all other children Widgets in the tree. Here we get into **GraphX™** world, no more Widgets trees or immutable properties. You can make custom UI widgets, games, or make use of GraphX to create a static drawing, like curved backgrounds, or complex shapes. Is a good practice to override `addedToStage()` as your entry point, here the Scene is ready, the `root` class has been added to the _glorified stage_, so you can access the Canvas size through `stage.stageWidth` and `stage.stageHeight`, the keyboard manager (if available), and lots of other properties, up to the `SceneController` that owns the scene (`stage.scene.core`, although, that's irrelevant for now): ```dart class GameScene extends Sprite { @override void addedToStage() { /// Here you can access the `stage`, get the size of the /// current Scene, keyboard events, or any stage property /// You can initialize your DisplayObjects here to play /// "safe" if you need to access any stage property. } ``` For now, GraphX™ has a few classes for rendering in the "display list": Like `Shape` (for "pen" drawings commands through it's `graphics` property), `Sprite` (create hierarchies of rendering objects), `StaticText` (for Texts), `GxIcon` (for Flutter icons) , `Bitmap` (for `GTexture`, which is a wrapper around `dart:ui.Image`), `MovieClip`(for Spritesheet and Gif support), `SvgShape` (dependency for `svg`, package not included), `SimpleParticleSystem` ( to create optimized particles for games), and Flare/Rive render objects which will live in another package/utility eventually to avoid dependencies. By the way, in the previous example, `GameScene` is the `root` node in the _display tree_, the entry point where DisplayObjects renders, and where you need to add your own objects. For instance, to create a simple purple circle: ```dart @override void addedToStage() { var circle = Shape();, Colors.purple.value) /// access HEX value of Color ..drawCircle(0, 0, 20) ..endFill(); addChild(circle); // add the child to the rootScene. } ``` `Sprite` internally extends from the abstract class `DisplayObjectContainer`, and as the name implies, is a container that can contain more `DisplayObject`s. Yet, `Shape` is a `DisplayObject` ( another abstract class, and also, the root class of all rendering objects in **GraphX**), so it can't contain children. That makes it a bit more performant on each painter step. So, when you need to group objects, you should create `Sprite`s and add children into it, even other `Sprite`s, that's the idea of **GraphX** after all, group rendering objects so you can transform them independently or transform a parent `Sprite` (or subclass of it), and apply it to the tree inside of it, transformations are accumulative from parent to child ... #### What is a transformation? The ability to translate, scale, rotate, skew a `DisplayObject` through his properties: x, y, width, height, scaleX, scaleY, rotation, skewX, skewY, etc. We could also use our root scene to draw things: ```dart @override addedToStage() { graphics.beginFill(0x0000ff, .6) ..drawRoundRect(100, 100, 40, 40, 4) ..endFill(); ... } ``` #### Pointer access Pointer signals has been "simplified" as Mouse events now... as it's super easy to work with single touch / mouse interactions in `DisplayObject`s. There are a bunch of signals to listen on each object... taken from AS3, and JS. - onMouseDoubleClick - onMouseClick - onMouseDown - onMouseUp - onMouseMove - onMouseOver - onMouseOut - onMouseScroll They all emit a `MouseInputData` with all the needed info inside, like stage coordinates, or translated local coordinates, which "mouse" button is pressed, etc. --- ### Demos. _Some demos are only using **GraphX™** partially_ - [snake game ⇢]( - [breakout game ⇢]( - [3d card with shadow ⇢]( - [rating ⇢]( ([dribbble design]( - [drawpad ⇢]( // [creepy version ⇢]( - [node garden ⇢]( - [fb reactions ⇢]( - [puzzle pieces ⇢]( - [lines repulsion ⇢]( - [liquify dog ⇢]( - [image transform triangles ⇢]( - [jelly green ⇢]( ([source]( - [drawing-ball collision ⇢]( ([source]( - [spiral 3d ⇢]( ([source]( - [splashscreen ⇢]( ([source]( - [color spectrum ⇢]( (based on [SuperDeclarative! workshop]( - [ui line button ⇢]( - [flutter widget mix ⇢]( - [space shooter ⇢]( > controls > move: ARROWS, thrust: SHIFT, shoot: SPACEBAR, shield: U - [artificial horizon ⇢]( > controls > change altitude and rotation: ARROWS - [split RGB ⇢]( - [input text particles ⇢]( - [fishEye particles ⇢]( - [fishEye particles (basic) ⇢]( - [particles emitter ⇢]( - [shapeMaker clone ⇢]( - [mouse follower ⇢]( - [basic hit test ⇢]( - [spriteSheet rendering ⇢]( - [displayObject pivot ⇢]( - [simple solo-ping-pong game ⇢]( - [first experiment with graphx ⇢]( --- Feel free to play around with the current API, even if it's still rough on edges and unoptimized, it might help you do things quicker. SKIA is pretty powerful!

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Screencast Demos.

(Some demos uses GraphX's only for ticker, input events or initial scene graph, making usage of direct Canvas calls)._


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