IDA Installation
Necessary file
You can download file on Hex-Rays offer the [download link]
- Main installer _idaprofl_hexarm64fl_XXX.run_
- license file ida.lic
- web-based UI server lmadmin.bin
- Hex-Rays daemon hexrays.bin
Install main program
During installing, you should input "installation password"
You can find password in e-mail
Import license
Install license server
Require java
sudo apt-get install openjdk-XX-jre-headless
Second execute lmadmin.bin file
Starting server
- starting web UI
- Move hexrays.bin to "FNPLicenseServerManager" directory
- Open browser port 8090), and consider security,
should Enable HTTPS
- Under Vendor Daemon page, import license ida.lic
Starting main program