romainberger / yeoman-flask

Yeoman generator for Flask project
MIT License
73 stars 13 forks source link

Uses outdated Grunt tasks #24

Closed vladikoff closed 3 years ago

vladikoff commented 10 years ago

This configuration:

    // default lint configuration, change this to match your setup:
    lint: {
      files: [

    // specifying JSHint options and globals
    jshint: {
      options: {
        curly: true,
        eqeqeq: true,
        immed: true,
        latedef: true,
        newcap: true,
        noarg: true,
        sub: true,
        undef: true,
        boss: true,
        eqnull: true,
        browser: true
      globals: {
        jQuery: true

is as of Grunt 0.3 and doesn't work anymore