Her is the code for FilterDropdown.js. Hope someone have a suggestion to fix it.
import React from 'react'
import {Flex, Box} from '@rebass/grid'
import {compose, mapProps} from 'recompose'
import {withToggle, withRouterParams} from 'lib/hoc'
import {Button} from 'components'
import TypeList from './TypeList'
import {typesById} from 'activities/constants'
import useCustomTranslation from 'lib/customT'
Dropdown wont show after opgrade to react 18.
Her is the code for FilterDropdown.js. Hope someone have a suggestion to fix it.
import React from 'react' import {Flex, Box} from '@rebass/grid' import {compose, mapProps} from 'recompose' import {withToggle, withRouterParams} from 'lib/hoc' import {Button} from 'components' import TypeList from './TypeList' import {typesById} from 'activities/constants' import useCustomTranslation from 'lib/customT'
const FilterDropdown = ({listVisible, toggleList, hideList, current}) => { const t = useCustomTranslation()
return (
) } const enhancer = compose( withRouterParams, mapProps(({params: {type}}) => ({ current: typesById[type], })), withToggle('list') )
export default enhancer(FilterDropdown)