rommapp / romm

A beautiful, powerful, self-hosted rom manager and player.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Sega32X / emulatorJS 4.2.1 #1500

Closed jsapede closed 2 weeks ago

jsapede commented 2 weeks ago

RomM version 3.7.2

Describe the bug Looks like 3.7.2 uses emulatorJS 4.2.1 witch should be repaired for sega32X : but no way to play games

To Reproduce

add 32x game

Expected behavior playable games



Desktop (please complete the following information):

jsapede commented 2 weeks ago

works if files are put in segaCD folder :


even bios are not recognised on sega32 folder

gantoine commented 2 weeks ago

Already fixed in master and will be in the next release!