ronf / asyncssh

AsyncSSH is a Python package which provides an asynchronous client and server implementation of the SSHv2 protocol on top of the Python asyncio framework.
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Async method call in MySFTPServer __init__ method #695

Open mertpp opened 2 days ago

mertpp commented 2 days ago

Hello I need to get the path of the chroot of the user from the database. This is how I use my sftp server to create server.

    await asyncssh.create_server(
        MySSHServer, '', PORT,
        process_factory=lambda: None,  # No shell support
        sftp_factory=lambda chan: MySFTPServer(chan, db),  
            'curve25519-sha256', '', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256',
            'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1'
            'aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr'
            'hmac-sha2-256', 'hmac-sha2-512'

This is how I implemented sftp server. the problem is at the get account by username method. That method should be asynchronous. I couldn't make init method asynchronous.

Copilot suggested me to create a create factory method that returns the instance of mysftpserver. But in that case the code block above doesn't work.

class MySFTPServer(asyncssh.SFTPServer):
    def __init__(self, chan: asyncssh.SSHServerChannel, db: 'Database'):
        self._chan = chan
        self._db = db
        self._username = chan.get_extra_info('username')
        username = self._username
        logger.debug(f"Fetching account data for username: {username}")
        home_folder = await self._db.get_account_by_username(username)
        print(f"Account data: {home_folder}")
        if home_folder:
            os.makedirs(home_folder, exist_ok=True)
  "Establishing root_folder for {username} at: {home_folder}")
            logger.error(f"Account for username {username} not found in the database or data is incomplete.")
            raise ValueError(f"Account for username {username} not found in the database or data is incomplete.")   

How can I change chroot of the sftp user retrieved from the database during the initialization?

I see ssh classes has connection_made method but SFTP subclasses doesn't, so I cannot change the users chroot after initialization.

thank you for your help.

ronf commented 2 days ago

Yeah - this might be tricky at the moment, as both the server_factory and sftp_factory arguments right now only support callables, and don't allow awaitables.

One thing you might try is setting an acceptor on the call to create_server(). That can be an awaitable, and receives an SSHServerConnection as an argument. You can get the username from that connection object via get_extra_info(), similar to what the current example does using chan.get_extra_info(), do your database lookup, and then store the directory information back into the SSHServerConnection with set_extra_info(). Later, in the SFTP initialization, you'd just query for the directory via chan.get_extra_info() instead of querying for the username.

A cleaner fix would be to add the ability in AsyncSSH to use awaitables for more of the factory calls, and I've been doing that a little at a time (most recently to auth and kex exchange calls), but that has its own challenges, and can introduce race conditions if not done very carefully.

ronf commented 2 days ago

As an aside, I also noticed you are setting process_factory here, but I don't believe that should be necessary. AsyncSSH should automatically block shell/exec requests when process_factory and session_factory are not set, unless you allow it via custom callbacks in an SSHServer class. Passing in a lambda which takes no arguments might even break things, as a process factory is supposed to take an SSHServerProcess argument when it is called.