roots / trellis

WordPress LEMP stack with PHP 8.2, Composer, WP-CLI and more
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Remove dynamic SSH key host checks #1419

Closed swalkinshaw closed 2 years ago

swalkinshaw commented 2 years ago

Reverts a feature originally added in (though the implementation has changed over time).

This was first added to avoid SSH host key algorithm mismatches between old versions of OpenSSH on the client (local machine) and servers (VM or remote server). In 2017, ed25519 (the preferred algorithm) was new enough in some macOS versions that this feature was needed. However, now it's 2022 and it should be extremely rare (if at all) that someone is using an OpenSSH version that old where ed25519 isn't supported.

Keeping this code makes maintaining Trellis and Ansible support more complex and has caused issues over the years. If it's not needed, then removing this feature entirely is a net benefit to simplify the codebase.