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srr tag message #43

Closed schneiderpy closed 3 days ago

schneiderpy commented 3 days ago

I'm trying to restore srr tags in my package, however, I'm getting a message for all tags like this (example) ✖ srr-stats-standards.R:10: @srrstatsVerbose is not a known tag.

all srr stats tags have the same "not a known tag" message. using from Rstudio: built>more>document::devtools

Running on Windows 11

mpadge commented 3 days ago

Hi Andreas, you seem to have @srrVerbose, which is indeed not a tag. The only tags allowed are @srrstats, @srrstatsTODO, and @srrstatsNA (all case-sensitive). I'll close this for now, but let me know if you've got any more questions. Thanks, Mark

schneiderpy commented 2 days ago

Hi Mark, thank you for your reply. It's not just @srrVerbose all tags say "not a known tag"

mpadge commented 2 days ago

But without any more details I can't really help any further. Maybe they're all invalid tags? Maybe the software doesnt proceed after first invalid tag? Either way, all tags should be one of the 3 valid types.

schneiderpy commented 2 days ago

The @srrVerbose tag comes from the srr-stats-standards.R file. I don't have this tag elsewhere. However, I should notice that I'm trying this locally on my machine (not on github) to get an overview of the remaining @srrstats and @srrstatsTODO. As far as I remember from the last time this should be possible. I also tryed roxygen2::roxygenise() .. nothing happens ...

mpadge commented 1 day ago

Oh yeah right, sorry, I forgot about the verbose tag, which is @srrstatsVerbose, and not @srrVerbose. It defaults to TRUE, and needs only to be used if you want to suppress roxygen2 output.

More generally, I presume you're talking about your concstats package? The current GitHub version raises an interesting issue. The only @srrstats tags are in tests, one vignette, and README.rmd (which should conventionally be README.Rmd, by the way). The roxygen2 package only parses documentation lines of objects/functions defined in /R. You currently don't have any of those, and so no output is produced. But this works as expected (run in concstats directory):

srr::srr_stats_roxygen("eda") # dumps stds in R/srr-stats-standards.R
roxygen2::roxygenise() # produces output

Note that you need to switch on the roclet by adding to your DESCIPTION:

Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE, roclets = c ("rd", "namespace", "srr::srr_stats_roclet"))

One thing that we could probably improve is to more clearly explain that running roxygenise() only ever outputs details on standards documented in /R code, and not other places like tests, vignettes, source code, or README files.

mpadge commented 1 day ago

@schneiderpy The above commit updated the README to more clearly explain the point mentioned above. Thanks for prompting that!