ropensci / textworkshop18

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User's corner #9

Open patperry opened 6 years ago

patperry commented 6 years ago

What are you using text-analysis software for? Which packages and programs for what tasks? What tasks are easy or enjoyable? What tasks are difficult, tedious, or error-prone? Do particular workflows work well?

jwijffels commented 6 years ago

Now that it is pretty easy to get feature rich NLP results with spacy/udpipe/corenlp/other annotators , I would be pretty interested to see application domains for dependency parsing which are set up to work for multiple languages.

sleepinyourhat commented 6 years ago

I might join, as the friendly DL-for-NLP researcher from down the hall.

vanatteveldt commented 6 years ago

I'd like to join, we are using DP in English and Dutch and want to do at least German as well.

trinker commented 6 years ago


dselivanov commented 6 years ago

I'm interested. Esp on question @jwijffels raised.