ros-industrial-attic / ur_modern_driver

(deprecated) ROS 1 driver for CB1 and CB2 controllers with UR5 or UR10 robots from Universal Robots
Apache License 2.0
305 stars 338 forks source link

Sub-package of type 3 was not parsed completely #316

Closed sashaiw closed 5 years ago

sashaiw commented 5 years ago

I am trying to control a UR5 CB3 running Polyscope 3.10 using ur_modern_driver. When I launch ur5_bringup.launch I get the following message:

Sub-package of type 3 was not parsed completely!

I launch it with roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_bringup.launch robot_ip=ROBOT_IP. I am running the kinetic-devel branch for both ur_modern_driver and universal_robot.

A complete log follows:

$ roslaunch ur_modern_driver ur5_bringup.launch robot_ip:=
... logging to /home/csrobot/.ros/log/658d005c-96c0-11e9-8102-04d4c40355e0/roslaunch-scooter-7363.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server


 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.14
 * /ur_driver/base_frame: base
 * /ur_driver/max_joint_difference: 0.01
 * /ur_driver/max_payload: 5.0
 * /ur_driver/max_velocity: 10.0
 * /ur_driver/max_waiting_time: 2.0
 * /ur_driver/min_payload: 0.0
 * /ur_driver/prefix: 
 * /ur_driver/require_activation: Never
 * /ur_driver/reverse_ip_address: 
 * /ur_driver/reverse_port: 50001
 * /ur_driver/robot_ip_address:
 * /ur_driver/servoj_gain: 100.0
 * /ur_driver/servoj_lookahead_time: 1.0
 * /ur_driver/servoj_time: 0.008
 * /ur_driver/servoj_time_waiting: 0.001
 * /ur_driver/shutdown_on_disconnect: True
 * /ur_driver/time_interval: 0.008
 * /ur_driver/tool_frame: tool0_controller
 * /ur_driver/use_lowbandwidth_trajectory_follower: False
 * /ur_driver/use_ros_control: False

    robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
    ur_driver (ur_modern_driver/ur_driver)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [7378]

setting /run_id to 658d005c-96c0-11e9-8102-04d4c40355e0
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [7391]
started core service [/rosout]
process[robot_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [7408]
process[ur_driver-3]: started with pid [7409]
[ INFO] [1561408869.898002830]: Setting up connection:
[ INFO] [1561408869.898329428]: Connection established for
[ INFO] [1561408869.898345361]: Setting up connection:
[ INFO] [1561408869.898662941]: Connection established for
[ INFO] [1561408869.952301031]: Got VersionMessage:
[ INFO] [1561408869.952323285]: project name: URControl
[ INFO] [1561408869.952332086]: version: 3.10.0
[ INFO] [1561408869.952340036]: build date: 03-05-2019, 06:39:00
[ INFO] [1561408869.952347934]: Disconnecting from
[ INFO] [1561408869.958821522]: ActionServer enabled
[ INFO] [1561408869.958851287]: Use standard trajectory follower
[ INFO] [1561408869.960502838]: Setting up connection: :50001
[ INFO] [1561408869.960606243]: Connection established for :50001
[ INFO] [1561408869.960663930]: Initializing ur_driver/URScript subscriber
[ INFO] [1561408869.964247017]: The ur_driver/URScript initialized
[ INFO] [1561408869.964273637]: Notifier: Pipeline disconnect will shutdown the node
[ INFO] [1561408869.969692244]: Service 'ur_driver/robot_enable' activation mode: Never
[ INFO] [1561408869.969725988]: Starting main loop
[ INFO] [1561408869.969824551]: Setting up connection:
[ INFO] [1561408869.969904525]: Starting pipeline RTPacket
[ INFO] [1561408869.970000586]: Starting pipeline StatePacket
[ INFO] [1561408869.970073323]: Setting up connection:
[ INFO] [1561408869.970199745]: Connection established for
[ INFO] [1561408869.970419376]: Connection established for
[ INFO] [1561408869.971958574]: Starting ActionServer
[ INFO] [1561408869.972097937]: Trajectory thread started
[ERROR] [1561408870.028391551]: Sub-package of type 3 was not parsed completely!
[ INFO] [1561408870.028497411]: Disconnecting from
[ INFO] [1561408870.028592966]: Shutting down on stopped pipeline StatePacket
*** Error in `/home/csrobot/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ur_modern_driver/ur_driver': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00000000012788c0 ***
[ur_driver-3] process has died [pid 7409, exit code -11, cmd /home/csrobot/catkin_ws/devel/lib/ur_modern_driver/ur_driver __name:=ur_driver __log:=/home/csrobot/.ros/log/658d005c-96c0-11e9-8102-04d4c40355e0/ur_driver-3.log].
log file: /home/csrobot/.ros/log/658d005c-96c0-11e9-8102-04d4c40355e0/ur_driver-3*.log
azhural commented 5 years ago

I just upgraded to 3.10 and am experiencing the same issue. Looking at the 3.10 release notes my guess would be that it has something to do with

Added reserved byte to Masterboard data sub package of Robot State Message.

Edit: Downgraded to 3.9.1 again and everything works fine.

sashaiw commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that downgrading to 3.9.1 worked for me.

Abduoit commented 5 years ago

Did you solve the issue, can we have UR5 CB3 software 3.10 working with ur_modern_driver ?

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

@Abduoit: use UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver for all CB3 and e-series robot controllers. See the readme there for additional requirements and setup instructions.

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

I'm closing this as we've officially deprecated this package.

Refer to the announcement on ROS Discourse.

jc-sanchez16 commented 3 years ago

Having this error again on SW version 3.14

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Please see the last few comments on this issue.

You should not be using ur_modern_driver with a CB3.

Please use UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver.