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How can I execute moveit planning for one of two robots? #568

Closed Ryoga723 closed 3 years ago

Ryoga723 commented 3 years ago

Hello. I want to control two UR robots. UR3e by moveit and UR5e by other external program.

In the case for an UR by moveit, I can connect it by beside command. roslaunch ur_ros_driver ur3e_bringup.launch roslaunch ur3_e_moveit_config move_group.launch And when I can execute moveit program, robot work well .

However,in case for two UR, I can connect two UR robot by group launch. UR5e is grouped as unit0.Ur3e is grouped as unit1. And I can connect UR3e to moveit action server. I designate robot description such as ROBOT_DESCRIPTION = "/unit1/robot_description" in moveit program.

When I execute moveit program, robot doesn't work at all. There is no error message. But Ready to take commands for planning group manipulator message is not shown.

What should I do? Please help me. Thank you for your advice.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

You seem to be using ur_robot_driver. That's good, as that's the only supported driver for e-Series robots.

It also means that your question would be better posted on the UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/issues tracker.

If/when you do post there, be sure to include more information as "it doesn't work at all" will not be sufficient for the developers of UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver to help you I believe.