Open tonynajjar opened 3 days ago
@SteveMacenski are you open to this contribution? Still a draft but almost there
All modified and coverable lines are covered by tests :white_check_mark:
Files with missing lines | Coverage Δ | |
...or_tree/plugins/condition/is_stopped_condition.hpp | 100.00% <100.00%> (ø) |
...or_tree/plugins/condition/is_stopped_condition.cpp | 100.00% <100.00%> (ø) |
...havior_tree/plugins/decorator/speed_controller.cpp | 84.78% <ø> (-0.33%) |
:arrow_down: |
nav2_util/include/nav2_util/odometry_utils.hpp | 100.00% <100.00%> (ø) |
nav2_util/src/odometry_utils.cpp | 100.00% <100.00%> (ø) |
On terminal conditions (success, fail) shouldn't we update stoppedstamp?
With "update" I assume you mean resetting to rclcpp::Time(0, 0, RCL_ROS_TIME)
? For FAILURE we do. For doing it at SUCCESS, I think it's a tradeoff:
, which could be undesired or unexpected behavior. But maybe stateful nodes is an anti-pattern so this behavior is actually expected? 1. BT node returns SUCCESS after it was stopped for long enough 2. robot moves and stops again before the BT node is ticked again 3. BT node returns SUCCESS because the moving in between was not considered
All things considered, I think you're right that resetting at success would be the better option
Agreed, I was thinking something too like node_->get_clock()->now() - stopped_stamp_ > rclcpp::Duration(duration_stopped_)
will always be true if we left the branch of the BT that contains this node and then come back to it after some time, if we don't reset the time after terminal conditions. Then, its a single-shot of the velocity without using your duration piece.
With that said, I think it will wait again for duration_stopped, which could be undesired or unexpected behavior
can be largely mitigated if you have your waiting duration to be sub-100ms -- about the perception of a person to change. 100ms though should give you some readings to work based off of so any single erroneous measurement doesn't get you.
Also see (I know looking at comments after a PR is merged gets lost in the general "merge" notification, for me at least :wink: ).
@SteveMacenski it's theoretically ready from my side but I'll stress test it even more in the coming week so we can wait a bit before merging
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