ros-perception / depthimage_to_laserscan

Converts a depth image to a laser scan for use with navigation and localization.
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How to change scan topic? #65

Closed matthewryanburgin191 closed 1 year ago

matthewryanburgin191 commented 1 year ago


So i have 2 3d cameras and want to create 2 laserscans.

How do you edit the published topic? For example /front/scan and /rear/scan. Is there a param?

Best regards

clalancette commented 1 year ago

Please open questions like this on, which is our central Question and Answer site. You'll get a better answer there, and it will be searchable for the future.

Make sure to include a lot of information on what platform you are using, which ROS distribution you are using, and the exact steps you took.