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Update rosdistro entries source/docs for released distributions from 'ros2' for rolling #458

Open ahcorde opened 1 week ago

ahcorde commented 1 week ago

We are planning to break ABI on message_filter I created this PR to fix the build job but I can see an issue in rosdistro.

There are branches for humble, iron and rolling (ros2 branch) but all rosdistro distributions are pointing to the ros2 branch

But I also check that there are some activity at least on the humble branch.

I would love to hear from the maintainers what to do here.

SteveMacenski commented 1 week ago

but all rosdistro distributions are pointing to the ros2 branch

That's just the doc link. But, yeah, that's one of the downsides of rolling's auto-release into new distributions, it just fills in the rolling branch's fields that might not be appropriate and are easy to not catch when running releases since its non-software. When I run releases, its on the proper distribution branch, not ros2.

I don't think for a package like this any ABI breaking change is acceptable for anything as critical as message filters, that should be only done for Jazzy and newer. I hope you're not saying that message_filters is breaking for Humble and Iron, right? That would be really bad for users, I know alot of folks that have customizations on message filters and those ABI/API policies are in place for a reason. Obviously welcome to change between distributions though so ros2 is game!

ahcorde commented 1 week ago

New changes are only for rolling

SteveMacenski commented 1 week ago

Oh yeah, then I think we're on board! Is the confusion just that the docs portion says ros2 from the rolling auto-release? I think otherwise, throw that bad boy in ros2 and we're good to go, humble/iron are on other branches. I just need to branch a jazzy off beforehand

ahcorde commented 1 week ago

I can see in rosdistro that humble is pointing to ros2 and iron is also poiting to ros2 branch (not only documentation)

SteveMacenski commented 1 week ago

Check out the actual releases, the software targets its branches.

Keep in mind that when rolling forks into a new distribution, it populates the rolling fields. It looks like I / we didn't --edit to update the auxiliary items like docs / source locations to the updated pose, but rest assured, the software itself is all pointed to their appropriate branches for the build farm and binaries. That should be fixed for sure, but I bet there's a ton of packages with similar issues.

I'll rename the ticket for making that update since I think that's the real bug that you're reporting?