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SafetyObserverCodeGeneration #34

Open darkobozhinoski opened 4 years ago

darkobozhinoski commented 4 years ago

These are the topics to which the observer needs to subsbscirbe:

topics = [("/odom", Odometry), ("/imu/data", Imu), ("/d_obstacle", Float32)]
The code to the observer is here

chcorbato commented 4 years ago

Just for information, who is publishing /d_obstacle? @darkobozhinoski @marioney

marioney commented 4 years ago

Just for information, who is publishing /d_obstacle? @darkobozhinoski @marioney

There's a node called

It uses filtered laser data to get the closest distance

ipa-nhg commented 4 years ago

@darkobozhinoski Thanks for the information!

Solved by:

The resulted auto-generated model file fits perfectly to the observer code:

PackageSet { package { 
  CatkinPackage rosgraph_monitor { artifact {
    Artifact my_observer {
      node Node { name /my_observer
        publisher { 
          Publisher { name '/diagnostics' message 'diagnostic_msgs.DiagnosticArray'}}
        subscriber {
          Subscriber { name '/d_obstacle' message 'std_msgs.Float32'},
          Subscriber { name '/odom' message 'nav_msgs.Odometry'},
          Subscriber { name 'imu/data' message 'sensor_msgs.Imu'}}}}}}}}

and the autogenerated python code looks:

from import TopicObserver
from std_msgs.msg import Float32
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
from diagnostic_msgs.msg import DiagnosticStatus, KeyValue

class Myobserver(TopicObserver):
    def __init__(self, name):

        topics = [
        ("/d_obstacle", Float32),
        ("/odom", Odometry),
        ("imu/data", Imu)

        super(Myobserver, self).__init__(
            name, 10, topics)

    def calculate_attr(self, msgs):
        status_msg = DiagnosticStatus()

        #Write here your code (or uncomment the following lines)
        #if len(msgs) < 2:
        #    print("Incorrect number of messages")
        #    return status_msg


        #attr = msgs[0].data + msgs[1].data
        #print("{0} + {1}".format(msgs[0].data, msgs[1].data))

        status_msg = DiagnosticStatus()
        status_msg.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK = self._id
        # Set here your name attribute
            KeyValue("KeyName", attr))
        status_msg.message = "QA status"

        return status_msg

this confirms that the observer generator works fine and the global RosSystem model is correct! :tada: :tada:

NOTE: I had to add two new nodes that correspond to gazebo plugins (the simulation of the base controllers and the imu sensor), but I think that make sense to have both there.