rosmo-robot / smartcar_shield

A versatile and easy to use vehicle platform
MIT License
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Smartcar shield 2.0

Tests Examples Documentation codecov CII Best Practices

A versatile and easy to use vehicle platform for hobby & Academic projects


This repository, includes everything necessary to set up a Smartcar 2.0. The 100% open hardware robot down to component level.

The Smartcar, is a vehicular educational platform, which enables the user to develop various robotic applications in an affordable, pedagogic and easy way. It is intended to be accessible for persons with basic programming knowledge and little to no experience of electronics. It additionally supports the needs of more experienced users.

Smartcar 2.0 (In development)

Licence: CERN-OHL-P


Project Status

Dual driver concept

We hope Smartcar 2.0 interesting to makers, schools and universities. We realise there's no such thing as a universal robot platform, and there are risks in trying to be all things to all people. We however drawn to seeing what's possible with modularity and testing the edges of interoperability.

Smartcar 2.0 BOM (In development)

Optional add ons

Optional alternative Microcontroller Esp32 S3 (Waveshare)

Single Board Computers (SBC)

We intend to develop some scripts for setting up robotics software on commonly used Single Board Computers which can be added to the basic microcontroller based platform. The OS will be Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

The supported hardware may include;

Installed software may include

Linorobot: Linorobot2

BLDC Version


MIT & CERN-OHL-P for Smartcar 2.0 hardware