roundcube / elastic

Responsive theme for Roundcube Webmail
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not clear if response was saved #134

Open mbohlender opened 6 years ago

mbohlender commented 6 years ago

How to reproduce: Go to 'settings' -> 'responses', then 'create'. Create new response.

Expected outcome: Response is saved and UI returns to 'settings-> responses" interface.

actual outcome/problem: UI stays on the 'create' interface and the user can not be sure if he has saved the response once the notification on the right has vanished

solution: UI should return to 'settings->responses' interface once the response is saved (same as in composing a new mail where the UI returns to 'inbox' once the mail was sent)

alecpl commented 6 years ago

The same for identities and filters, but not folders and contacts. So, indeed some consistency is needed here. I agree. This will be a change in Roundcube core.

alecpl commented 6 years ago

On the other hand the UI stays on the form when you edit an existing item (be it folder, identity or a response). So, is this not the same issue? I'm not sure about the proper way to go to make all of this consistent.

Please also note that mail and contacts are slightly different than the rest because:

So, it looks like we have four options:

  1. implement preview mode for all others (identities, folders, responses, etc.), but... That would be quite a lot of work and it will require an additional Edit button click and waiting to edit something. And what about preferences editing? The same? Does not sound appealing to me.
  2. always display editing form after an item has been added, as we do now for responses, but consistently for all other item types (except email).
  3. as proposed here, after item creation goto list. Editing stays on the form (as it is now).
  4. goto list after item creation as well as edition.

One thing more. This probably has to be considered separately (though, making the implementation more complicated) for mobile and desktop. I mean in mobile we can reset the list selection after we edit an item, but we should not do this in desktop mode.