roxma / nvim-completion-manager

MIT License
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c key switches straight into insert mode #214

Closed danprince closed 6 years ago

danprince commented 6 years ago

Seeing really strange behaviour using this plugin (at e724a442072261993ca503e969d2cb25722ab1d2) with Neovim v0.2.0 and the following vimrc.

if has('vim_starting')
  set nocompatible
  set runtimepath+=/Users/dan/Apps/repos/

call dein#begin('/Users/dan/Apps/')
call dein#add('Shougo/dein.vim')
call dein#add('roxma/nvim-completion-manager')

call dein#end()

if dein#check_install()
  call dein#install()

When I press c it switches straight into insert mode, rather than starting a change motion, like I would expect. The d key also has no effect. To make it stranger v still works fine.

So rather than cw changing the rest of the word under the cursor, it ends up just inserting a w.

It seems like nvim-completion-manager is hijacking the input step of some of the verbs.

Obviously this isn't the intended behaviour and this plugin used to work fine, but recently I reinstalled all my vim plugins and that was when this behaviour was introduced.

Any ideas what might be going wrong here and how I can fix it?

danprince commented 6 years ago

I also get the same behaviour with vim-plug. Just making sure Dein wasn't doing anything weird.

Shougo commented 6 years ago

Seeing really strange behaviour using this plugin (at e724a44) with Neovim v0.2.0 and the following vimrc.

You should update neovim version. neovim v 0.2.0 is too old.

danprince commented 6 years ago

Upgrading to v0.2.2 did the trick. Thanks!