Open mzahana opened 8 months ago
I have the same issue on RPI 4B 4GB RAM, using ROS2 galactic. I'm using opencv 4.5.0.
@Hohyeong I am not sure if it is related to the computation power of RPi 4 or the dataset, but I managed to run the estimator using real-time stereo images on the same RPi 4 and MPU6050 IMU.
@mzahana When I applied the EuroC dataset V1_01 easy to OpenVINS, I checked that the state diverges. Was the state converging properly when do you use real-time sensor? As I check with other issues, I saw that ROS2 often has problems in multi-threading environment. So I'm considering about using OpenVINS based on ROS1.
Yes. It was not diverging (at least not quickly) for real time sensor. However, it didn't work properly on Euroc dataset.
I am also interested to know how it performs on ros1. Do you gave a way to setup ros1 on Raspberry Pi 4 OS?
Maybe this is related to playback and reading the ROS bag from disk in realtime. Not sure if this could be a bottleneck. If you were able to get it working with live sensor data, but not the rosbag, then this would be my suspicion.
Hi @goldbattle
I am trying to run open_vins on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM. I installed ROS2 humble from source and it works fine. To compile open_vins. I first installed deps
Then I compiled the ros workspace using
The compilation went fine.
My OpenCV version is
I tries using the default euroc_mav config file, the ran the
ros2 launch ov_msckf config:=euroc_mav
, but the pose diverges quickly. I played theV1_01_easy
bag.I updated the config file as follows
Then, I ran the node gain, but it still diverges as I see it in RViz. I don't run RViz on the Raspberry Pi, I run it on a separate laptop on the same network, and I only visualize the imu path topic.
mode, here is the node output just after I stopped node when the pose started to diverge.The frequency of the
is between 10 and 15 hzHere is the output of
ros2 run ov_core test_profile
Is there any optimization that can be done for the filter to work OK on Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB RAM?
Thank you for your time.