rreichel86 / quadtree

A Quadtree based finite element mesh generator to discretize two-dimensional heterogeneous solids
MIT License
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finite-element-methods polygonal-elements quadtree-mesh

A Quadtree based finite element mesh generator to discretize two-dimensional heterogeneous solids

License: MIT DOI

The two-dimensional heterogeneous solid is given by its outer boundary and material interfaces. These are later modeled by simple closed polygonal chains.

The Figures (a) to (j) illustrate the Quadtree subdivision of a circular disk with a circular hole and a circular disk with a circular inclusion. The corresponding finite element meshes are shown in Figures (k) and (l).

(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
(g) (h) (i)
(j) (k) (l)

Table of contents

  1. What's in the directory?
  2. Using the Quadtree mesh generator
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Contact

What's in the directory?

├── Documentation
├── Examples
├── Makefile
├── Output/mesh
├── Output/plot
├── Output/mfem
├── QtreePlotMesh.m
├── README.md
└── src

File Description
Documentation Documentation
Examples Contains examples of how to define the domain to be meshed
Makefile Makefile to build the Quadtree mesh generator
Output/mesh polygonal mesh data
scor.txt - File containing the nodal coordiantes
selm.txt - File containing the element connectivity
Output/plot polygonal mesh plot as a PNG image
QuadtreeMesh.png (default name)
seeds.txt - File containing seeding points
QtreePlotMesh.m MATLAB script to plot the Quadtree mesh
README.md This file
src Source code of the Quadtree mesh generator
src/write_seeds.m MATLAB function to write seeding points to a text file e.g. seeds.txt

Using the Quadtree mesh generator

Command Line Options

 -h or --help           Print this help message and exit
 -i or --iteractive     Iteractive mode

To run, for example, the YetiFootprint.txt example in Examples/

 $ ./Quadtree Examples/YetiFootprint.txt

The polygonal mesh data is stored in ./Output/mesh/scor.txt and ./Output/mesh/selm.txt; scor.txt contains the nodal coordinates and selm.txt the elements' connectivity.


The financial support of the DFG (German Research Foundation) under project number 433734847 is gratefully acknowledged.


Rainer Reichel M.Sc.
LBB - Lehrstuhl für Baustatik und Baudynamik
RWTH Aachen University email: reichel@lbb.rwth-aaachen.de