rsanchezsaez / CardboardSDK-iOS

iOS port of Google's CardboardSDK (mobile VR toolkit)
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Cardboard renders to black when switched to VR Mode with uGUI #10

Open HardcodedNumber opened 9 years ago

HardcodedNumber commented 9 years ago

When using uGUI the UI shows up fine when I don't turn on VR mode. However, When I do I see black and just the UI. I took a snapshot in Xcode of the OpenGl State and I can see the the split view via the left and right cameras from cardboard. After, the depth buffer clears and renders to black. then the buttons renders. Any suggestions?

rsanchezsaez commented 8 years ago

Sorry for my late reply. I don't have the time to look into this, did you make any progress?

miraclestar commented 8 years ago

I got this problem too. And: I toggle the SettingsButton and AlignmentMarker are not work; Cardboard.SDK.EnableSettingsButton = true; Cardboard.SDK.EnableAlignmentMarker = true;

the place of SettingsButton is clickable, but no UI shows;