rsn8887 / uae4all2

A fast and optimized Amiga Emulator for Vita and Switch
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Performances issues with some games #38

Closed VITOAMOROSO82 closed 4 years ago

VITOAMOROSO82 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am writing to request information regarding the possibility of improving the performances of some games in PS Vita, in particular Sensible World os Soccer (SWOS). The main problem is the too high speed of the game, in fact I have compared the playability with my real Amiga600 using both the floppy and whdload and the speed of the emulator is decently higher. I tried a myriad of settings, if I change the appearance filters a little slows down but the visual quality is really bad, and also the audio. I have tried both the adf and the hdf files on PS Vita, same problem. Also if I use the key combination R + START + DIRECTIONS to put the screen in full screen the game goes even faster, so 4: 3 would be the best choice, even if it is not very playable.

Is there any way to slow down the emulator speed? I have last version installed 1.99. Thanks

rsn8887 commented 4 years ago

EDIT: I tested several differenct versions of the game, and they all ran at the correct speed I think. Is this a really subtle effect you are talking about, or an obvious effect that anybody can see immediately? If it is really subtle, a very small speed problem, then maybe I am not able to tell.

To play Sensible Soccer, you can use Amiga 500 config with 512 kb Chip, 512 kb Slow memory, no fast men, and ADF version of the game. Make sure CPU is set to 68000 7 MHz, and 50 Hz speed (the default A500 config). Make sure the sound is not disabled. The emulator uses sound to sync the speed.

But I also tested the hdf version of Sensible World of Soccer SWOS 16-17 using A1200 config, and it ran at the correct speed as far as I can tell.

BTW you can now also use Retroarch PUAE core to play Amiga games on Vita. It is slower than UAE4All2 but works great with some Amiga 500 games.

VITOAMOROSO82 commented 4 years ago

Ok, going to test now and I'll let you know

VITOAMOROSO82 commented 4 years ago

Nothing, for me is too fast...The sound is NOT disabled, also I switched between accurate and fast, but never off. I'm trying to use P-UAE, I added kick roms and for me the speed is perfect now. I'm going to check something else, but seems really good

rsn8887 commented 4 years ago

As with almost all open source projects on github, the is your friend and contains detailed instructions how to use PUAE:

VITOAMOROSO82 commented 4 years ago

Yes sorry, I modified my comment and was able to start with the correct kick names... So I think I'll switch to Puae, thank you very much, very nice work!!! 😉

VITOAMOROSO82 commented 4 years ago

About the audio in PUAE...In SWOS I'm not able to fix some crappy sound I hear on the menu and during play, I tried different things but no way to fix...

VITOAMOROSO82 commented 4 years ago

I managed to fix the audio setting the Stereo paramenters to 0%. I can close here, thank you