Open kevinten10 opened 3 years ago
Let me clear it in Chinese, and of course it's my opinion only.
RSocket架构不建议采用Sidecar架构,首先gRPC多语言支持,当然Dapr说的以sidecar方式解决多语言接入问题,其实就是gRPC在发挥作用。 多语言接入这个RSocket也支持,主流语言基本都能接入到RSocket上,没有多语言接入的问题。 另外RSocket更建议采用Broker的架构,more Egress less Ingress ,这样安全更好,通讯更透明,而且还不需要传统的服务注册那些基础服务,个人不觉得你不使用Sidecar,你就不是Cloud Native。
另外在K8S中使用RSocket也非常简单,你helm安装一下RSocket Broker,然后就是标准的开发方式 注明一下: 我是Alibaba RSocket Broker开发者,利益关联方。
当然你对RSocket已经有非常好的了解啦,应该不会再有这个困扰,可能就是问你的人太多啦 :)
最后声明: Java程序员,做过半年Istio + Envoy的Service Mesh,放弃啦。 后来看Dapr,写过几篇Dapr的文章,最后还是放弃啦,还是坚持RSocket的路线。 我不是说Istio, Dapr就不好,技术都有其适用的场景,当然技术的多样性更重要,不然谈何创新,如何能给别人不一样的启发,让别人有一个更多的选择。
My 2c: it would be nice to have some supported well trodden paths without requiring all systems and frameworks to directly commit to RSocket support. For me it's mostly using Websocket/HTTP as a baseline, then layering RSocket on top and for my specific components I can then add RSocket specific features/monitoring on these well defined chosen stacks.
But pitching RSocket itself to GCP, Azure, AWS seems like a lot of effort before the industry traction is proven. Making it easy to adopt on top of say Websocket in GCP flexible environments has worked for me.
Thank you very much for your reply! It is very helpful to me.
Yes, different technologies have different usage scenarios and cannot be generalized.
I am now working on dapr. I look forward to the future development of rsocket, and I will continue to pay attention.
I like rsocket very much!
But now the cloud native specification only supports http and grpc
For example, projects like dapr do not support rsocket
I want to know how the rsocket community views grpc and the cloud-native ecology? Does rsocket have plans to become a protocol supported by cloud-native components?
Looking forward to your reply.