rst-tu-dortmund / teb_local_planner

An optimal trajectory planner considering distinctive topologies for mobile robots based on Timed-Elastic-Bands (ROS Package)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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TEB plans and select infeasible trajectories throught obstacles #314

Open Kaetera opened 3 years ago

Kaetera commented 3 years ago


Setup: Branch: foxy-devel OS: Ubuntu 20.04 64bit Robot: Physical real robot

Issue and actual behavior TEB generates trajectories through obstacles on my local costmap. This happens very often in my environment. The invalidity is correctly detected (dwb_critics::ObstacleFootprintCritics::scorePose() throw an exception and the controller "abort the handling"). Also, when an alternative homotopy without collision is present, the TEB planner do not select this homotopy.

Expected behavior

Am I misunderstanding something ? Most of params are at their default. Param include_dynamic_obstacles is set to True. The footprint is of polygon type. The same issue is observed with line footprint type.

TEB stuck

Kaetera commented 3 years ago

After investigation it seems that TEB uses dwb_critics::ObstacleFootprintCritics::scorePose() function from the Navigation2 stack to evaluate the feasibility of the trajectory. However TEB excpect a negative score from scorePose() if the trajectory is infeasible, but it now actually throw an exception that is not caught by TEB.

Adding a try/catch confirmed that the exception is raised: try { score = costmap_model->scorePose(pose2d, dwb_critics::getOrientedFootprint(pose2d, footprint_spec)); } catch (...) // (const dwb_core::IllegalTrajectoryException & e) { score = -1.0f; // Seems that older versions of scorePose() returned negative value instead of an exception for illegal pose }

allows TEB to be aware of an invalid trajectory but at the end, it rises: [controller_server-8] [ERROR] [1625851895.112989293] [controller_server]: TebLocalPlannerROS: trajectory is not feasible. Resetting planner... [controller_server-8] [WARN] [1625851895.113134206] [controller_server_rclcpp_node]: [follow_path] [ActionServer] Aborting handle.

The string "TebLocalPlannerROS: trajectory is not feasible" comes from TEB and confirm that it detected the invalid trajectory, but as said I expected it to at least just discard it and chose the alternative homotopy...

teymurov27 commented 2 years ago

Hi, could you please share your local and global costmap parameters, as it seems there is an issue over there. I think TEB choses over obstacles because your costmap shows that you can pass from here, any delay can cause this. Check your global_frame in both local and global costmap.

Kaetera commented 2 years ago

Hey, Here were my parameters:

      update_frequency: 5.0
      publish_frequency: 5.0
      global_frame: odom
      robot_base_frame: base_link
      use_sim_time: false
      rolling_window: true
      width: 4
      height: 4
      resolution: 0.05      
      footprint: "[ [-0.2, -0.25], [0.4, -0.25], [0.4, 0.25], [-0.2, 0.25] ]"   
      footprint_padding: 0.01
      plugins: ["obstacle_layer", "inflation_layer"]
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer"
        cost_scaling_factor: 5.0
        inflation_radius: 0.6     
          plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"
          enabled: true
          observation_sources: scan
            topic: /scan
            raytrace_max_range: 6.0
            obstacle_max_range: 6.0
            obstacle_min_range: 0.0
            max_obstacle_height: 2.0
            clearing: true
            marking: true
            inf_is_valid: true
            data_type: "LaserScan"  
      always_send_full_costmap: true             

      update_frequency: 1.0
      publish_frequency: 1.0
      global_frame: map
      robot_base_frame: base_link
      use_sim_time: false
      footprint: "[ [-0.2, -0.25], [0.4, -0.25], [0.4, 0.25], [-0.2, 0.25] ]" 
      footprint_padding: 0.01
      resolution: 0.05
      track_unknown_space: true      
      plugins: ["static_layer", "obstacle_layer", "inflation_layer"]
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::ObstacleLayer"
        enabled: true
        observation_sources: scan
          topic: /scan
          max_obstacle_height: 2.0
          clearing: false            
          marking: false            
          data_type: "LaserScan"
          inf_is_valid: true
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::StaticLayer"
        map_subscribe_transient_local: false
        plugin: "nav2_costmap_2d::InflationLayer"
        cost_scaling_factor: 5.0
        inflation_radius: 0.6
      always_send_full_costmap: true

However "the common inflation layer of the costmap_2d is not taken into account by the planner" (according and the global costmap isn't supposed to be used/affect the local planner...

By looking into the code, my guess is that the main problem is in the scoring of the pose for polygon-shaped footprint: the cost function related to the distance calculates the distance between the centre of the footprint and the edges of the polygon. But it seems there is no check for if the obstacle point is inside the polygon. So for quite large robots (e.g. 0.6m*0.8m in my case) and small min_obstacle_dist (e.g. 0.1m), the obstacle point can be far enough from the edge but inside the polygon, so this invalid pose has a small penalty.

teymurov27 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am not sure but it seems there is a problem in your local costmap parameters, in fact your cost scaling factor is too high. I suggest you tune your cost scaling factor based on this formula exp(-1.0 * cost_scaling_factor * (distance_from_obstacle - inscribed_radius)) * (costmap_2d::INSCRIBED_INFLATED_OBSTACLE - 1) .From this formula we can say that if cost scaling factor is too high teb could include paths through obstacles. Hope it helps.

source: []() source: []()

Today20180409 commented 2 years ago

I also encountered a similar situation. My robot shape is set to polygon,therefore, when the obstacle is in the robot, the path will pass directly through the obstacle. I think you are right, this should be a problem with the distance between the obstacle to the robot.Do you have any way to solve it? @Kaetera image

Kaetera commented 2 years ago

I left out TEB for the moment, but I started to experiment with a different cost function (functions computeError() in

My guess is that we need a function that:

TEB embeds many functions to check lines intersection or that could be used to test if a point is in the footprint... But for now it's just a guess, I will not have the opportunity to work again on TEB before a long time.