Open JohnCamus opened 3 years ago
Hi !
Thanks for the report.
This is possibly a current limitation of Pandoc that rmarkdown uses. If I used pandoc directly using this command
pandoc -t pptx -o test.pptx .\anotherdemo.Rmd
We get an output without video. The part using HTML is obviously ignored for a pptx output but the other part should probably work.
@apreshill you could be interested by this re: the Powerpoint work in Pandoc. It seems that currently this is not supported by Pandoc. However, I did not found any issue in the repo on this topic.
This is definitely something for Pandoc to support. I have opened an issue there:
I tried embedding a video into my power point presentations for work, I tried
the official approach
this approach
Both do not work, when knitting a pptx, but do work, when I knit a html presentation. This answer on reddit suggests that there is a problem with the xml file.
Here is a minimal reproducible script
This is the output I get:
The XML Discrepancies
I saved the r generated version as xml and another version as xml where I inserted the video manually, I then compared the xml data from both presentations, it seems there are some information missing in the xml file that is generated via R. The red elements are present in the manually generated presentation, saved as an xls, but not present in the presentation, generated by R.
The R-Project Folder
Here is the R-Project folder. It contains the script a picture, and a video
Session Info
I tested the script after updating all the packages and installing the developement version of rmarkdown, to no avail. EDIT: I changed the XML screenshot to hide my name.