rstudio / shinycoreci-apps

SUPERSEDED - Apps for Shiny continuous integration testing
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GHA: "301-bs-themes" shinytest failures #113

Open MadhulikaTanuboddi opened 3 years ago

MadhulikaTanuboddi commented 3 years ago

301-bs-themes: custom3, default3

Differences: (mac-4.0) a. Inputs tab: Slider input's major ticks/numbers missing alternatively b. Inputs tab: "actionButton()" text color diff c. Plots tab: Plot selection dropdown is shown below (instead of above) the plots in the new snapshot d. Json differences in few files

SLIDER - OLD 301-bs-themes-OLD

SLIDER - NEW 301-bs-themes-NEW-slider

PLOTS - OLD 301-bs-themes-plots-OLD

PLOTS - NEW 301-bs-themes-plots-new

JSON DIFF: 301-bs-themes-json-diff