Closed hellwolf closed 4 years ago
There is some cDAI leftover in the old strategy: 0.81545014
balance: 9395.46543336
rAmount uint256, sOriginalAmount uint256
rAmount|uint256 : 188196669622507188429
sOriginalAmount|uint256 : 939628088350
fromDecimals("939628088350", 8 = 9396.2808835
9395.46543336 + 0.81545014 == 9396.2808835
We would need to send 0.81545014
to the new allocation strategy if we want there be no "missing/leaked" interest due to the previous wrong allocation strategy switching bug.
add IAS.redeemAll function
In order to switch allocatraion strategy and drain all funds from the old startegy, IAS.redeemAll is a more clean way of achieving it.